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Chronic FatigueFatigue



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

chronic fatigue

[message deleted by veronika on Wed, 01 Jun 2011 23:42:38 BST]
  veronika on 2008-03-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

[message deleted by veronika on Wed, 01 Jun 2011 23:42:51 BST]
veronika last decade
Hello Veronika,

can you please answer some questions:

1./) How do you feel when consoled during the time you are feeling bad ?

2./) How easily do you ask for help ?

3./) How easy is it for you to forgive ?

4./) Do you dwell on disagreeable things from long past events ?

sameervermani last decade

[message deleted by veronika on Wed, 01 Jun 2011 23:43:33 BST]
veronika last decade

[message deleted by veronika on Wed, 01 Jun 2011 23:43:43 BST]
veronika last decade

[message deleted by veronika on Wed, 01 Jun 2011 23:43:19 BST]
veronika last decade
Some further questions:

1.) Have you ever had warts ?

2.) What kind of music do you like and what effect does it have on you ?

3.) Can you cry in front of others or do you generally like to cry alone?

4)Do you ever have any psychic out of body like experiences or any hallucinations?

sameervermani last decade

[message deleted by veronika on Wed, 01 Jun 2011 23:43:55 BST]
veronika last decade
please take PULSATILLA 200C one dose every morning for 5 days only.

wait for a week or so and come back with the changes you feel in you.
rishimba last decade
Right choice Rishi.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
One last set of questions for you , Veronika:

1./) Are you an idealistic person ?

2./) How possessive, jealous when it comes to your partner ?

sameervermani last decade

[message deleted by veronika on Wed, 01 Jun 2011 23:44:15 BST]
veronika last decade
Okay, then here is my prescription.

Three doses of Ignatia Amara 200C evenly spaced on a single day. No more doses after this.

No 'eating/drinking/brushing of teeth' 1 hr on either side of these doses.

Please report status 1 week after these doses.

sameervermani last decade
I think it was a good shot Sameer. Sth feels different - the mood is more up and the gloomy intrusive thoughts less, the fear too. It's amazing after so many years sth feels different. And it's not like the efect of the chemical remedies which soothes you but make you feel like a zombie (diazepan and such like).
Despite the insomnia persists, especially when i have to get up early in the morning and falling asleep is still hard. The dizziness is still here too. Of course, i didn't expect miracles, i just don't want to go back to my previous state of seeing everything so evil and meaningless, fearing and ever sinking in that endless exhaustion. What shall i do if it does happen?
Sincerely - Veronika
sara52 last decade
That's great !

Okay, for now, no more doses.

We MUST wait for as long as there IS improvement happening. It is a cardinal sin to repeat before the action has exhausted and come to a complete halt.

When you feel you are going down again, post back here, and then we will take it from there.

In the meanwhile please procure Ignatia 1M, but do not take it till I tell you to.

Good luck
sameervermani last decade

Anything to report ?

sameervermani last decade

[message deleted by veronika on Wed, 01 Jun 2011 23:44:42 BST]
veronika last decade
Okay , take a SINGLE dose of Ignatia 1M.

Dissolve 3 pellets in 1 cup water and take 2 spoons from there using a disposable spoon .

No eating/drinking/brushing teeth for 1 hour on either side of this dose. Also make sure there are no odours around you for this period.

Let me know in 1 week after this dose.
sameervermani last decade

[message deleted by veronika on Wed, 01 Jun 2011 23:45:00 BST]
veronika last decade
5 pellets were not needed .

I meant the dissolving procedure ONLY :)

Anyways , no worries , report status in 1 week.
sameervermani last decade

[message deleted by veronika on Wed, 01 Jun 2011 23:42:24 BST]
veronika last decade
based on your initial post i had recommended pulsatilla.

if you think you have tried other remedies, you might as well try this and see if it brings a positive change in your sleep and digestive problems.
rishimba last decade
Hi Veronika,

I would recommend 3 doses of Natrum Mur 30C equally spaced on a single day. Nat-m is a complementary remedy to Ignatia and should complete the cure.

1 dose = 1 spoon from a 250 ml spring water bottle where there are 2 pellets dissolved.

No eating/drinking/brushing teeth for 1 hour on either side of these doses. Also make sure there are no odours around you for this period.

Let me know in 5 days after these dose.
sameervermani last decade
And, please do not take Pulsatilla right now, because it is an anti-dote to Ignatia and will undo the improvement that has happened till now.

We should never anti-dote a remedy which gave a some benefit.
sameervermani last decade

[message deleted by veronika on Wed, 01 Jun 2011 23:41:47 BST]
veronika last decade
veronica, your mentals are not close to that of a nat mur person.. as described by yourself in the first few posts.

however, if you still feel that nat mur will complete the cure, please go ahead.

nat mur will not close all ignatia cases, the main mental symptoms have to match.
rishimba last decade

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