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veronica, your mentals are not close to that of a nat mur person.. as described by yourself in the first few posts.
however, if you still feel that nat mur will complete the cure, please go ahead.
nat mur will not close all ignatia cases, the main mental symptoms have to match.
however, if you still feel that nat mur will complete the cure, please go ahead.
nat mur will not close all ignatia cases, the main mental symptoms have to match.
♡ rishimba last decade
Okay , we will see, but I do not think her mentals are close to Pulsatilla.
I leave the choice to her.
I leave the choice to her.
sameervermani last decade
sameervermani last decade
please confirm what you have written earlier..
-feel better when properly consoled ( ie. hearing what i need to hear)
- feel uneasy in the company of friends.
- i burst into cry easily..
- unconfident to speak..
- feeling uneasy amongst a crowd..
- panic attacks before exams and dates.
- fear break-up, betrayal
- shyness, sensitivity
- worse disordered eating
- craving sweets..
sameer, try asking out the personality of this patient to any homeopath based on what she has written earlier.
would like to know what makes you feel she is more of nat mur.
please confirm what you have written earlier..
-feel better when properly consoled ( ie. hearing what i need to hear)
- feel uneasy in the company of friends.
- i burst into cry easily..
- unconfident to speak..
- feeling uneasy amongst a crowd..
- panic attacks before exams and dates.
- fear break-up, betrayal
- shyness, sensitivity
- worse disordered eating
- craving sweets..
sameer, try asking out the personality of this patient to any homeopath based on what she has written earlier.
would like to know what makes you feel she is more of nat mur.
♡ rishimba last decade
drpksinha last decade
Okay Rishi , here you go, since you asked for it, I will quote the patient and there are plenty of CLEAR indications for Nat-m, and infact that is confirmed by the fact that she got partial benefit from Ignatia.
Remember the patient is IDEALISTIC and sensitive and feels guilty and obliged when asking for help...She even admits to a LOT OF NEGATIVE EVENTS IN THE PAST..
Let her take Nat-m as then we will see:)
intrusive bothering and GLOOMY thoughts, often visualising future events negatively and SELF-TOTURE ABOUT PAST EVENTS; very frequent sleep disrupts; dizziness; irritability; feeling as if am in a nightdream; constant unsatisfaction with present tate of affairs, longing never dies; FEELING UNEASY IN THE COMPANY of friends, unconfident to speak,express opinion, especially during silence pauses; feeling uneasy among the crowd; slight panic attacks (fast breathing, sometimes paralysing fear depending on the situation) before exams, public performance, before a date, or before i hear my boyfriend on the phone for fear of hearing sth not nice; constant exhaustion; sometimes hysteria; sometimes slight diarrhea (especially when upset); low self-esteem; depression; feeling of all being meaningless, depressed unwilling to do anything or hyperactivity when overexcited from sth good; inferior complexes; FEAR OF BETRAYAL, of that time seems to run too quickly, of old age, of the unknown; Precoccupied with leading a healthy life, KEEPING FIT; worriness.
And, Can ask for help more easily when i know the person would be happy to give it, but woill still feel somehow guilty and obliged....
Remember the patient is IDEALISTIC and sensitive and feels guilty and obliged when asking for help...She even admits to a LOT OF NEGATIVE EVENTS IN THE PAST..
Let her take Nat-m as then we will see:)
intrusive bothering and GLOOMY thoughts, often visualising future events negatively and SELF-TOTURE ABOUT PAST EVENTS; very frequent sleep disrupts; dizziness; irritability; feeling as if am in a nightdream; constant unsatisfaction with present tate of affairs, longing never dies; FEELING UNEASY IN THE COMPANY of friends, unconfident to speak,express opinion, especially during silence pauses; feeling uneasy among the crowd; slight panic attacks (fast breathing, sometimes paralysing fear depending on the situation) before exams, public performance, before a date, or before i hear my boyfriend on the phone for fear of hearing sth not nice; constant exhaustion; sometimes hysteria; sometimes slight diarrhea (especially when upset); low self-esteem; depression; feeling of all being meaningless, depressed unwilling to do anything or hyperactivity when overexcited from sth good; inferior complexes; FEAR OF BETRAYAL, of that time seems to run too quickly, of old age, of the unknown; Precoccupied with leading a healthy life, KEEPING FIT; worriness.
And, Can ask for help more easily when i know the person would be happy to give it, but woill still feel somehow guilty and obliged....
sameervermani last decade
Just by the way - I think the problem is rooted in the inability to relax. The body is used to be on the alert all the time during all those stressfu situations when I didn't know how to deal with them. It's hard now to learn any relaxation techniques fast, and I feel my body just needs to relax a little. In the very rare cases I manage to achieve that, the new philosophy of life I've learnt could be felt much much better. I will order what you have told me and by the way I would like to ask - what do you think about Coffea Cruda or kali Phosphoricum. I deeply analyse every state of mine, every medicine but of course I can't decide alone. Thanks
sara52 last decade
Kali Phos is not at all indicated here and Coffea Cruda is not indicated either. You cannot just prescribe on onesymptom alone , the complete history and the peronality type of the person needs to fit the remedy.
I completely understand what you are going through, and the relaxation will come under the right remedy. It would be the same relaxation that you felt with the first doses of Ignatia, but it should hold longer and the effect should be permanent when we hit the correct medicine.
I completely understand what you are going through, and the relaxation will come under the right remedy. It would be the same relaxation that you felt with the first doses of Ignatia, but it should hold longer and the effect should be permanent when we hit the correct medicine.
sameervermani last decade
what kind of environment do you prefer.
how is your thirst.
how are your bowel movements in general.
how is your appetite, do you miss breakfasts often.
what time of the day is worst for you.
which do you think is the most susceptible part of the body. why?
which taste do you crave? sugar or salt.
what are the food items which disorder your stomach.
the answers to the above questions will decide if you are close to pulsatilla or nat mur.
how is your thirst.
how are your bowel movements in general.
how is your appetite, do you miss breakfasts often.
what time of the day is worst for you.
which do you think is the most susceptible part of the body. why?
which taste do you crave? sugar or salt.
what are the food items which disorder your stomach.
the answers to the above questions will decide if you are close to pulsatilla or nat mur.
♡ rishimba last decade
From what you have written above , it seems there are elements of Argentum Nitricum in your constitution as well especially where a non-stop inflow of thoughts doesn't let you sleep, and your aggravation from sweets , yet a craving for them.
But, we will see after Natrum Mur has exhausted its action.
By the way , how do you feel since taking the doses ?
But, we will see after Natrum Mur has exhausted its action.
By the way , how do you feel since taking the doses ?
sameervermani last decade
Go to Argentum alone, you will feel better.
As you can see in my note above, your constitution seems to be Argentum Nitricum.
Three remedies together will never give permanent results.
Please take just ONE single dose of Argentum Nitricum 1M , and I think you will feel lot better.
As you can see in my note above, your constitution seems to be Argentum Nitricum.
Three remedies together will never give permanent results.
Please take just ONE single dose of Argentum Nitricum 1M , and I think you will feel lot better.
sameervermani last decade
Dear Veronika,
I have had CFS for years and have now been helped by Sameer here at the forum. I now feel better than ever. Please just follow his prescriptions and sooner or later you will get better...I have consulted many homeopaths and Sameer is unique. The prescriptions are always safe and you don´t get any severe aggravations.
Best regards Pia
I have had CFS for years and have now been helped by Sameer here at the forum. I now feel better than ever. Please just follow his prescriptions and sooner or later you will get better...I have consulted many homeopaths and Sameer is unique. The prescriptions are always safe and you don´t get any severe aggravations.
Best regards Pia
Tintintin last decade
Sure. Let's just clarify what is one dose - 3,5 pellets, or dissolved pellets? Waiting for your reply. Sincerely - V.
sara52 last decade
Dissolve 2 pellets of Argentum Nitricum 1M in 100 ml spring water, and take just 1 spoon from there.
Dear Pia, thanks a lot for your kind words. I appreciate it.
Dear Pia, thanks a lot for your kind words. I appreciate it.
sameervermani last decade
Last question Sameer - remedies that are 1M are usually taken 1 or 2 pellets at once. Why dissolving? Arguing is the last thing i mean to do - i just feel i do need sth stronger... I want to feel the effect. Please don't be afraid to prescribe it stronger. Of course, you know better, i was just wondering..
sara52 last decade
Remedies act better (deeper, faster and gentler) when dissolved in water. Do not worry, you will feel the effect by dissolving.
Just make sure, do not eat or drink anything for 1 hr on either side of the dose.
A 1M should give a strong impulse.
Just make sure, do not eat or drink anything for 1 hr on either side of the dose.
A 1M should give a strong impulse.
sameervermani last decade
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