The ABC Homeopathy Forum
chronic fatigue Page 3 of 3
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Hmm.. please take 3 doses of Pulsatilla 30c equally spaced on a single day.
2 pellets dissolved on the tongue is 1 dose.
Report in 1 week.
2 pellets dissolved on the tongue is 1 dose.
Report in 1 week.
sameervermani last decade
Please take 3 doses of Lycopodium 30c equally spaced on a single day, and report in 72 hours.
sameervermani last decade
sameervermani last decade
I have a remedy in mind , can you please answer these questions ?
Do you suffer from irresisitible feelings of jealousy ?
Do you have a tendency to get too jealous in love relationships ?
What do you think about tight clothing or something tight around your neck like turtlenecks ?
I have a remedy in mind , can you please answer these questions ?
Do you suffer from irresisitible feelings of jealousy ?
Do you have a tendency to get too jealous in love relationships ?
What do you think about tight clothing or something tight around your neck like turtlenecks ?
sameervermani last decade
hmm...and how sympathetic are you towards other people's problems ?
Do you have some creative hobby as well ?
Do you have some creative hobby as well ?
sameervermani last decade
Painting, carving wooden stuff - i love to do that in the rare free time left. Can be very very sympathetic to all nice people only. And animals.
Insomniac1 last decade
Why do you keep making new ids :)
Anyways, I have picked the remedy.
Carcinosin 200c.
order it from here
Pick 5 ml oral liquid , potency 200.
Let me know when it arrives, I will tell you how to take it.
Anyways, I have picked the remedy.
Carcinosin 200c.
order it from here
Pick 5 ml oral liquid , potency 200.
Let me know when it arrives, I will tell you how to take it.
sameervermani last decade
well, whenever i remember i've missed sth, i add it -am just trying to help you in the diagnosis and consequently myself :). I will try to get the remedy as soon as i can.
Insomniac1 last decade
If no effect is there , you might as well stop it :)
So, here is the Carcinosin dosage.
A total of 3 doses to be taken at 1 hour gap.
Dissolve 2 drops of Carcinosin 200 in 250 ml spring water bottle, and 1 spoon from here is 1 dose.
No eating drinking for 40 mins on either side of the dose.
Lemme know in 1 week after the doses or earlier if you see a change/reaction.
So, here is the Carcinosin dosage.
A total of 3 doses to be taken at 1 hour gap.
Dissolve 2 drops of Carcinosin 200 in 250 ml spring water bottle, and 1 spoon from here is 1 dose.
No eating drinking for 40 mins on either side of the dose.
Lemme know in 1 week after the doses or earlier if you see a change/reaction.
sameervermani last decade
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