The ABC Homeopathy Forum
fissure and piles
hi drs. as i am suffering from fishers and pilesi took hompathy medicine it didnt work fully, i have 2 piles also outside in my right and left have fissures my hompathy dr over her says she might indicate surgery for piles becuase that piles r touching fissure and not allowing them to dry. i went o allapthic dr. he give me cream to apply it helps but everyday after passing tools it hurs same place of fissure atleat 2 to 3 hrs after pain is less. he is also telling me to dosurgery for fissures and piles, pl. suggest what shd i do shall i go for both fissure and piles surgery or shall do only piles surgery and fissure will dry after that, i am confuesd pl. help and i want to know do fissure can be inside along with outside what is the best remedy for that my tools r too lose also i dont know why i get pain after passing tools. pl. help thanks nainaaish04 on 2008-04-25
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take Rataniha 30c three times in a day and weekly one dose of sulpher 200 continue for at least 15 days and report me....
dr.deoshlok sharma
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
hi dr. deosholk sharma as u suggested me take rataniha three time and sulpher 200 one dose a week but how much qty of one dose of sulpher pl. respond
aish04 last decade
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