The ABC Homeopathy Forum
chalazion for about 6 months, taking staphysagria 30
I've had a chalazion for about 6 months now and started taking staphysagria 30 in April. It was getting slightly smaller like about the first 6 weeks taking it, but then it went back to the way it was again. What should I do? PLEASE HELP!!gokugirl826 on 2008-07-05
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♡ deoshlok last decade
I tried the epsom salt treatment and it worked really well. A lot of cyst goo popped out of my eye. It's still a little swollen, but it's a whole lot smaller than before. What is the next step?
gokugirl826 last decade
When material has formed inside the stuff, hepar sulph would have given the relief. if goey stuff is still there, you can try Hepar Sulph in 6c for some days.
♡ maheeru last decade
Hi Everyone!!! If You Have A Chalazion You Must Not Try To Pop It!!! Do Not Go See The Doctor Unless The Described Method Does Not Work!!! Buy Some Ginger In Its Raw Form At Your Local Grocery Store, You Will Find It In The Fruits & Vegetables Section, For about 5-10 Cents You Can Buy Enough!!! Take It Home Go In Front Of A Mirror, Slice The Ginger With A Knife And You Will Notice What Looks Like Water Left On The Blade, Sweep Your Finger Across The Side Of The Knife To Pick Up The 'Water' And Gently Apply It To The Lump On The OUTSIDE Of Your Eyelid, Make Sure You DO NOT Get Any Of The Liquid From The Ginger In Your Eye! I Had One Of these Things And I Heard Ginger Worked So I Tried This Method And In ONE Week, After ONE Application, It Was Completely Gone!! It May Take More Than One Application (If Its Really Bad, You Tried To Pop It, etc.) Please Be Careful, Remember Not To Irritate or Play With It Aside From The Treatment, It Needs To Be Left Alone! Good Luck!
Teddy123 last decade
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