The ABC Homeopathy Forum
3-month old with fever and cough
My 3-month old girl has been running a fever of ~100F for 2 days. Can I give Belladona to her or is there another medicine that I can give to her.Also, she's been coughing due to nasal discharge going into her throat. Is there's a homeopathic medicine I can give for her cough. She also has a stuffy nose.
Thank you.
preslava on 2008-12-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Gave Nux Vom 30C 1-2 drop in some boiled water turned into lukewarm three times at 10 minute interval, only three dose. Try to give it at night or evening.
Report in 12 hours or as soon as posible if there is any change in symptoms.
Report in 12 hours or as soon as posible if there is any change in symptoms.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
It turns out the my daughter developed an ear infection (right ear), the fever went up to 102.2F and the dicharge from her ear goes down her throat and causes the cough. Shall I proceed with the recommended treatment above, or is there another (more appropriate) treatment since now we have a more accurate diagnosis.
Thank you for your help.
Thank you for your help.
preslava last decade
I would advise to see medical advise near you. We should not depend on internet source only in such acute condition in children. There may be misunderstanding as happened here. I advised to you give Nux Vomica and report in 12 hours, but it seems that you did not give this medication. Otherwise, I posting some indication for some medicines for ear infection in child.
Chammomila: If the child is crying severely and nothing causes him/her to stop crying then this medicine is indicated. This is a very confirm indication for this medicine and would certainly calm her/him and should be given in 30C one hourly and once notice improvement gave it two hourly and so.If you have any further question regarding Chammomila or crying babies, please do not hesitate to ask.
Pulsatilla: If the child wants to be hold by someone especially mother all the time and this calm her effectively and wants to be in open air means these situation stops her crying then this child certainly would be helped by Pulsatilla. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any question regarding Pulsatilla and crying child.
Belladona: If the child had developed sudden high fever and intense redness around ear/ear canal then this medicine will put all things calm down
See if any of them is indicated if yes gave it 1-2 drop at 4 hour interval, but also consult a doctor near you
Chammomila: If the child is crying severely and nothing causes him/her to stop crying then this medicine is indicated. This is a very confirm indication for this medicine and would certainly calm her/him and should be given in 30C one hourly and once notice improvement gave it two hourly and so.If you have any further question regarding Chammomila or crying babies, please do not hesitate to ask.
Pulsatilla: If the child wants to be hold by someone especially mother all the time and this calm her effectively and wants to be in open air means these situation stops her crying then this child certainly would be helped by Pulsatilla. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any question regarding Pulsatilla and crying child.
Belladona: If the child had developed sudden high fever and intense redness around ear/ear canal then this medicine will put all things calm down
See if any of them is indicated if yes gave it 1-2 drop at 4 hour interval, but also consult a doctor near you
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
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