The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Constant Cough
Hi,My daughter is 11 years old and she has a constant dry cough for 4 weeks.
Her nose is constantly blocked and her polyp is red and swollen. She has a postnasal drip. She also clears her throat occassionally. If she spits out any mucus then it is yellow.
She does not cough at night.
She is thirsty for small drinks. When she sweats, it is on the palm of her hands.
She has slight eczema on the fold of her skin (behind knees, elbows, cheeks, corners of her mouth).
I am writing this to you with regards to her constant cough.
Thank you,
mariah36 on 2009-01-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
ars alb 30 once daily for three days morning dose one dose 8 pills to be given
♡ akshaymohl last decade
I have given her Ars Alb 30 three times a day but no difference.
What should I do?
She is coughing every few seconds.
It is a dry cough and sometimes she clears her throat.
What should I do?
She is coughing every few seconds.
It is a dry cough and sometimes she clears her throat.
mariah36 last decade
There are two exceptional herbal remedies suitable for sever cough and throat ailment. Fenugreek and Thyme in liquid form with a little water. Esoterically, the reason for the cough is perhaps there is something she needs to say but is hesitant to express.
sammi11 last decade
give her one dose of bryonia 30 and repeat after three days
♡ akshaymohl last decade
drosera 30 one dose wait for 7 days no other medicine pl
♡ akshaymohl last decade
First give her three doses of Sulphur 200...morning , evening and next morning...then stop.
After this , the well selected remedy will work.
Pankaj Varma
After this , the well selected remedy will work.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Reg. sulphur 200...if you notice any aggravation after the first or second dose, discontinue further dosage.
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I am scared to give her Sulphur because it might aggravate her eczema.
She is thirsty alot and drinks about half a cup. When is occupied with something then she does not cough. She clears her throat and coughs once every 7 seconds.
I have read about Drosera. But in the past Bryonia have worked with other symptoms.
Her nose is not blocked these days.
Should I give her Bryonia and see.
With thanks
She is thirsty alot and drinks about half a cup. When is occupied with something then she does not cough. She clears her throat and coughs once every 7 seconds.
I have read about Drosera. But in the past Bryonia have worked with other symptoms.
Her nose is not blocked these days.
Should I give her Bryonia and see.
With thanks
mariah36 last decade
pl give bryonia a sinle dose daily for three days no other medicine pl watch the resukt after 5 days
♡ akshaymohl last decade
jainil2006 last decade
I have given her the second dose of Bryonia 30 (once a day) and I do not see much difference yet. Her cough is more hoarse, she is thirsty for small drinks, she does not cough if she is busy with something.
The cough is constant (one cough every 6 seconds).
I will continue with the third dose tomorrow.
The cough is constant (one cough every 6 seconds).
I will continue with the third dose tomorrow.
mariah36 last decade
I have given her the three doeses of Bryonia 30 and I see no difference in her cough.
Please advice me.
Please advice me.
mariah36 last decade
drosera 30 one dose to be repeated after 3 days no further dose
♡ akshaymohl last decade
Hi Mariah36. I have been searching for information online and came across your post about your daughter. My daughter is 10 and she has the constant cough too. I wasnt even looking for information about homeopathy just some answers. She was not diagnosed with Asthma because her main thing is she does not cough at night. She coughs until she goes to sleep but not throughout the night. What struck me when i read about your daughter is that she does not cough when she is doing something or is busy. The same thing with my daughter. We have been living with this for months at a time over the past 1 1/2 years. It comes and goes and i was looking for alternative answers. Has she had any improvment and if so what did you use.Thanks~Chris
chriscag last decade
My son is 5 n since the past 2 months has been suffering from cough his cough does not seem to stop , I hav given him bryonia 200 , drosera, rumex but his cough is stubborn . Last week his breathing got short n heavy n hence got allopathy medicines although his cold is now regular but the cough is intolerable . Coughs continuously , say 15-20 coughs in a min . There is no cough in the night while sleeping only during day please help!
My son is 5 n since the past 2 months has been suffering from cough his cough does not seem to stop , I hav given him bryonia 200 , drosera, rumex but his cough is stubborn . Last week his breathing got short n heavy n hence got allopathy medicines although his cold is now regular but the cough is intolerable . Coughs continuously , say 15-20 coughs in a min . There is no cough in the night while sleeping only during day please help!
Lubaina last decade
Can you please give the following information in respect of your son.
1.whether he prefers warm surroundings ie whether he likes to be covered or he prefers cold surroundings and open air.
2.whether he has a mild disposition or an irritable disposition. How is his attitude towards his friends and relatives?
3.What other physical problems, if any does he have.
4.At what time he feels better and at what time does he feel worse like in the morning, evening, late night etc.
5.What do you think is the causative factor for starting his problems.
6.How is his thirst for cold drinks, hot drinks and water?
7.How is the bowel movement? Normal, constipated or loose.
1.whether he prefers warm surroundings ie whether he likes to be covered or he prefers cold surroundings and open air.
2.whether he has a mild disposition or an irritable disposition. How is his attitude towards his friends and relatives?
3.What other physical problems, if any does he have.
4.At what time he feels better and at what time does he feel worse like in the morning, evening, late night etc.
5.What do you think is the causative factor for starting his problems.
6.How is his thirst for cold drinks, hot drinks and water?
7.How is the bowel movement? Normal, constipated or loose.
♡ kadwa last decade
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