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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Constant cough...need help

My mother age 51 is suffering from cough
Symptoms:coughing is occasional but when it starts it lasts for a longer period.
Typically dry.
Feels pain in right side of the back when in movement.
Cough started with flu but flu is cured but cough is prolonged.
Fells dryness in the mouth esp. in the morning.

Suffered from rhumatic fever 25 years back.Cured completely with the help of homeopathy.Taking homeopathy only since nearly 40 yrs when needed.
Daktersaab need help
  akki94 on 2012-09-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

[message deleted by simone717 on Tue, 11 Sep 2012 18:38:15 BST]
simone717 last decade
Dear Simon,

I feel very awakward by your comment about my not reading all the posts. But believe me it is my own procrastination & not snobery.
I am sorry for that.
Dear Akki,

Regarding your mummy's condition I feel you need to give her one single dose of PHOSPHORUS 200c & wait for a week she will feel better.
Phosphorus is the bet remedy for any residual symptoms after an attack of FLU.
daktersaab last decade
Dr. Saab,lol,

I did not think 'anyone' read ALL the posts!! Like you
said earlier, there is a SEA of posts and some days there
are so many they move right off the front page.One can
only take on so much--wonderful that you contribute
the amount that you do.

It is just easier if people want a certain person to put
that in the headline- rather than buried in the post
somewhere - where it is easily missed.
simone717 last decade
Dear Simone and daktersaab,
There is no problem reg. who should ans the question.But in earlier case medicine given by daktersaab to me worked completely.Hence I trust daktersaab
Simone I dnt know what u had written in ur earlier post which u have deleted,but I asked daktersaab because just because he cured me last time.I am nt saying that any other person cannot cure my mom.But frm my experience I asked daktersaab.Thx daketrsaab.
akki94 last decade

Often on this forum, someone will answer you who only
got on the forum the day before and they have no
experience or very little. New people don't know any better and
then others who do- put in their suggestions and then person is
even more confused.

I think it is a good idea if a person wants a certain person to
put it in the headline, it avoids wasting time of patient and
the Dr.
simone717 last decade
Dear Simon & akki,

Thanks for understanding me.
God bless you!!
daktersaab last decade

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