The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Dr. Sameer, help please - slip disc Page 2 of 2
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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The way Sameer selected Lycopodium here was truly exceptional. Any other homeopath would have gone in for some other remedy after studying mind/body symptoms.
Dubai2009 last decade
zambian last decade
Good to know. Enjoy :)
Thanks for the kind words. In homeopathy, no matter what the disease is, CAUSE is to be kept in mind.
Good to know. Enjoy :)
Thanks for the kind words. In homeopathy, no matter what the disease is, CAUSE is to be kept in mind.
sameervermani last decade
Dear Sir, I am Dheeraj, 36 years old married man having a 7 years old son. I am suffering from slip disc. 5 years ago while playing football i fell and doctor told me it is disc slip. pain was in back and right leg. after a week medicine and rest i recovered and was ok for 2 years. then 3 years back i slipped frpm stairs and Dr. told a severe disc slip again. after looking my MRI test report dr. advised operation but with the help of physiotherapist' treatment i was able to walk after a month. This time also pain shifted to my leg also. Again life startd and in between whenever i feel pain i used to visit physio. From last three months i am feeling more pain in my whle right leg. In the morning it is less and i am able to go to my duty. As the day progresses pain starts irritating me and it is non tolerable in the evening, specially when in the afternoon if i take rest for more than 30 minutes then it is really difficult to get up, to walk and even stand. While taking rest i feel better. I used to sleep on my left and usuulay take pillow in between my legs. I am emotional, very caring, very much attatched to my family and parents. generally I am cool and happy,but things disturb me when they dont go according to me. I dont have specific fears and no such anxieties in my life. I like sweets and sweet related food. I take south indian food also but dont like it too much. From 5 years i am suffering from seasonal bronchitus , which is for 2-3 months in a year, i easily catch clod. I have taken homeopathic medicine for bronhitus but not for disc. Till date no allergy to any medicine. I am not depreesed with this pain as i think someday i will be coming out of this pain and if not best , it will be good again. I ocassionally smoke and drink, and take 2-3 cups of tea daily. I was non veg from my childhood but from last year i have left non veg food. My weight is 85 kgs. and my height is 5 and half feet. Please help me.
Thanks and regards.
Thanks and regards.
meghowal last decade
Dear Dr Sameer,
Please excuse me for such a late response. Actually, I returned to this forum after a long long time and discovered your post.
I am doing fine now! Though a slight uneasiness in the back/ neck is there. I am 90% cured. In fact, I remain fine unless I lift a heavy object accidentally, or suffer a sudden jerk while travelling.
I have not taken a single allopathic pill since.Last I took lyco 1M 3-4 months back.
With heartfelt gratitude to you,
Please excuse me for such a late response. Actually, I returned to this forum after a long long time and discovered your post.
I am doing fine now! Though a slight uneasiness in the back/ neck is there. I am 90% cured. In fact, I remain fine unless I lift a heavy object accidentally, or suffer a sudden jerk while travelling.
I have not taken a single allopathic pill since.Last I took lyco 1M 3-4 months back.
With heartfelt gratitude to you,
tamanglama last decade
i m 36 yr male, suffering from slip disc L5 S1 since 2005. it was ok for some time, now due to forward bending it again occured. i have some numbness in right leg and also stiffness. i consulted a Homeopathy Dr., he give me rhus tox and bellodona (4 pills each three times). My uric acid was at 6.2. he also recommended for Ruta and uretica urens 10 drops each in half glass water three times along with rhus tox and belladona. Is it right approach? can i take one capsule having pregbalin and mecobalamin?
[message edited by sukhjinder on Tue, 24 May 2011 11:02:12 BST]
[message edited by sukhjinder on Tue, 24 May 2011 11:02:12 BST]
sukhjinder last decade
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