The ABC Homeopathy Forum
is it scitica ?
hi ..I am from the National Security Guard ( Black Cat). I am 32 years old. Being from the forces, I have to keep myself physically fit by regular exercising. My weight is 62 kg and height is 167 cm. I belong to West Bengal.
I had a problem when I was playing Basketball about a month back. I will try to go over the symptoms.:
1. I had severe pain in my right buttocks after the match. Next day I had problems walking and I was literally limping.
2. In the evening I could not resist another basketball practice as I didnt know the cause of the pain. It severed my condition and next day I had a worse pain. So I left playing basketball from that day.
3. The pain reduced with time. I started walking and with time I started running also. Now I can run at my good speed and yesterday I even came in Excellent in my BPET test( 5 km in almost 24 minutes with packs of almost 5 kgs).
4. I even massage my buttocks and leg regularly before sleep.
5. The problem is, I still have a light pain in my buttocks and I suffer from light pain in my calf muscles and tingling sensation in my right toes and feet only when I am sitting.
6. The problem is present only when I am sitting and I face hardly any problem when I am standing.
Today someone told me about scitica and that made me real worried. I have not taken any medication for this problem till now. Nor have I changed my food habits. Being in the forces, I require to keep physically fit and I hope sincerely that I will not have to undergo any surgery as it will serously hamper my job profile. Also I sincerely hope that I will be given a good advise about medication as well as exercises reqired to be performed and any food habit change i need to undergo.
I am sensitive to heat. Rest all is generally normal.
uacharjya on 2009-02-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
colocynth 30 twice daily for 5 days pl bring your thigh near your stomach 5 times daily donot sit in cold floor pl donot eat raj maa black urd etc j k mohla
♡ akshaymohl last decade
nOT colocynth with those modalities--not silica either---if been in generla good health and not on meds at--dose with arnica asstrting pnt---also GO see chiropactor---the sensations extend dowward to toes----need lumbar checked--no fear this al routine stufff
2pellet arnica 200c in 3/4 8 oz water bottle--thunp /shake on hand 4-5 times --take a small swig--do that process twice a day--til bottle empty--no fresh bottle--use same one--remember thump before each swig---also NO COFFE for wjile on this med SOLDIER--that applies to teas as well--and colas---GOT IT?
all goes well no need post back--if no good--then we see whats up then..
important point--if u observe any change at all after a dose--__THEN NO FURTHE DOSING TIL THINGS settle downto norm....then resume----if no settle down --then get a hold of me quick..OK SOLDIER ur dismissed!
2pellet arnica 200c in 3/4 8 oz water bottle--thunp /shake on hand 4-5 times --take a small swig--do that process twice a day--til bottle empty--no fresh bottle--use same one--remember thump before each swig---also NO COFFE for wjile on this med SOLDIER--that applies to teas as well--and colas---GOT IT?
all goes well no need post back--if no good--then we see whats up then..
important point--if u observe any change at all after a dose--__THEN NO FURTHE DOSING TIL THINGS settle downto norm....then resume----if no settle down --then get a hold of me quick..OK SOLDIER ur dismissed!
♡ John Stanton last decade
no herbs and no vitamin pills --particualr minerals--
ONLY good food -good health drink (NO ALCOHOL) --keep active--but not push the hell out of it yet.
no herbs and no vitamin pills --particualr minerals--
ONLY good food -good health drink (NO ALCOHOL) --keep active--but not push the hell out of it yet.
♡ John Stanton last decade
also i must add, while doing stretching exercises I feel a pull in my right leg. So I have discontinued doing them..
Thanks to John and akshaymohl. I am a bit confused. Both of you seem to have a different view.
Thanks to John and akshaymohl. I am a bit confused. Both of you seem to have a different view.
uacharjya last decade
i'm not here to sway a prescription--just suggest based on my knowing--which maybe very well an unknowing--if u know what i what u need do--
♡ John Stanton last decade
there is no need for confusion pl try as this forum shares medical advise and not claim as homoeopathy is based on symptoms and for tingling sensation colocynth is the medicine
♡ akshaymohl last decade
There if no harm in using Colocynth as advised by dr. akshaymohl. Please try and report.
dr. mahfooz
dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
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