The ABC Homeopathy Forum
My grand father age 82 is having sciatica from past 5 years after having an acident in which get feel on road on his hips and after sometime of that he can not walk for one minute and cannot stand for 1 min having burning pain from his hips to back portion in whole leg otherwise he is ok not having sugar and no heart problem and he have some digestion problem alsoJack vincher on 2019-11-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Start soon:
Arnica 200
5drops+250ml water
Shake the bottle 8 times before every dose.
Take only 5ml from the bottle in every morning in empty stomach.
Give feedback after 5 doses.
Arnica 200
5drops+250ml water
Shake the bottle 8 times before every dose.
Take only 5ml from the bottle in every morning in empty stomach.
Give feedback after 5 doses.
♡ freehomeoforall 5 years ago
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