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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Eczema in 1yr old daughter

My daughter is 1 yrd old.
She started having seborrhea dermatitis and cradle cap when she was was 1 month old.
then the oozing started. oozing was on her head and her face and neck,and her condition got worse. her cradle cap used to stink alot like dead fish.

she has lots of food allergies. milk, wheat and oatmela uts etc.
since last month we started giving her special milk. and avoiding wheat and other stuff. her ozing has reduced and redness and cradle cap reduced.
but she gets cold and cough frequently and also ear infection.
she sleeps okk during day but not at night. she was very good sleeper in india for 3 months. even itcing was less.
we had started homeopathy before starting her special diet. it did not help. we are not sure whenther those remedies aggravated or her food aggravated her conditions. she wa on psorium 0c and graphites.
our homeopathy dr is very expensive. we have stopped her remedies. not sure if anthing is helping her. she becomes more cranky aftr taking psorium 30c.
she is c-section baby. i had lots of vomitng during first trimester.was on saline. my tsh was low. she had echogenic ultrasound.
I am still nursing her. want to stop it but she does not listen.
she is happy when her condition is good. she likes to play with her brother. her 7 yr old brother also has eczema but not that severe. he is on kali sulph30c.
  suchita_par on 2009-03-23
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