The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hay fever
I have hay fever at this time of year. Usually before summer begins and as summer ends (May and September). My eyes are itchy and red and my nose runny, with clear discharge and I sneeze often. When I go outside my eyes become watery and I sneeze more.My constitutional remedy is Pulsatilla, if this is any help.
rania1403 on 2009-05-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I used the Remedy Finder and came up with allium cepa. Is this the most appropriate for me? What dosage?
PLS advise.
I used the Remedy Finder and came up with allium cepa. Is this the most appropriate for me? What dosage?
PLS advise.
rania1403 last decade
You may take three doses of allium cepa 30c at a gap of 4 hours on a single day. You should wait for 2-3 days and see the response. Then depending on the response you may repeat the doses again on a single day. The other option for you is sabadilla 30c. Please follow homeo restrictions during the treatment period.
♡ kadwa last decade
Thank you I will try this. I am currently taking pills to regulate my cycle. They are hormones. Will they affect the remedy?
rania1403 last decade
I am currently taking pills to regulate my cycle. They are hormones. Will they affect the remedy?
No. You first take allium cepa and if the response is not satisfactory please report here.
No. You first take allium cepa and if the response is not satisfactory please report here.
♡ kadwa last decade
I took allium cepa as suggested on a single day. I was better the first 2 days and then the 3rd some symptoms, such as runny nose returned. I repeated the dose and the same. Better the first days with hardly any symptoms and then runny nose and sneazing, especially when outside. My eyes are better. They do not bother me any more.
Pls suggest what I should do next.
Thank you.
Pls suggest what I should do next.
Thank you.
rania1403 last decade
Please take two pellets each of the following tissue salts (bio-chemic medicine)thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours for few days and observe the response.
natrum sulph 6x
kali mur 6x
Please report after 4-5 days.
natrum sulph 6x
kali mur 6x
Please report after 4-5 days.
♡ kadwa last decade
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