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Hay Fever



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hay Fever

Looking for the right match for my Hay Fever - spring allergies which just hit me like a brick wall today.

Have used Allium Cepa for sneezing, Arsenicum Album for overall cure, Nat Mur for itchy, scratchy eyes with 'sand', kali bichrome for runny nose, but now I also have right sided sinus pain that goes from head to ear - will prob. try chamomilla, but haven't yet. I also tried Gelsemium.

I DO get short term relief from symptoms using the above remedies, but not cure.

What am I missing? State of mind is unable to focus, can't attend to business. Miserable!!

Thanks for any help. Much appreciated.
  Annabelle2 on 2019-05-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Annabelle,

What you are missing is chronic constitutional treatment.
Your overall case has to be taken to get to a stronger
Life force and then you can be free of allergies.

When the immune system is weakened it responds
To pollen, dust, grass, etc as if a threat. When allergies
Are established and it is the “season” you can
Try remedies as you are doing now to cope.
Then try constitutional treatment after the season is over.

I had a similar problem. I had about 3 “non”
Allergy remedies( based on my overall case)
For a year. At the end of the year, when the seasons n
Began , my allergies were gone for good.

You need an experienced homeopath to take
Your case. This forum is set up for discussion,
And there is rarely a real homeopath on here,
You can click any user name to see profiles of
Who you are talking to- and their history on here.

I can suggest getting your case taken by phone,’with Mary Aspinwall,
A decades long homeopath and teacher in Santa
Barbara, Ca. Or you could work with Dr Jitesh Sharma
Thru email or Skype- He and his father have helped
On here , when they have some time. Put Dr Jitesh
In the search box at top and a couple threads will
Show up- then click his name for details. He works
In a classical way like Mary Aspinwall.

Having good Hepa air filters and keeping windows
Closed, plus using A/c was beneficial to me- but
You are probably doing that already.
simone717 5 years ago

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