The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Optic Nerve Problem
I have very poor vision and cannot be corrected with eyeglasses. I have 4.0 power in both eyes and the basic problem is that, even after wearing the glasses, my vision is very poor.Increasing the power of the glasses is of no help because the doctors mentioned that I have a very weak optic nerve. Don't know if it is damaged. I have been to several ophthalmologists/neurologists and they mentioned that they couldnt do anything.
I had an injury to my right eye (near eye brow) when I was very young. Don't know if this was the root cause of the problem. I cannot recall having clear vision anytime.
I was wondering if homeopathy could help me to correct this problem.
Please advise.
vision on 2005-02-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Presume you are adult, what was the injury when child?? A blow, a cut, an operation?
No promises. Optic nerve damage usually permanent. Have you been x-rayed to see if there is a growth, etc?
Treating the injury, depending on what it was, may be possible. If part of the cause of today's condition.....?
Blessings, Sabra
No promises. Optic nerve damage usually permanent. Have you been x-rayed to see if there is a growth, etc?
Treating the injury, depending on what it was, may be possible. If part of the cause of today's condition.....?
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
Thanks Sabra. I had an accident (when I was around 8 years old) where a bicycle rammed into me. One of the spokes in the front tire pierced into my eyebrow (right eye). I had been taken to a hospital for treatment and I am sure I had some stitches. Can't recall how many.
I am now 35 years old and been managing with this problem ever since. I had an MRI done in 1992 per the request of a Neurologist. Can't recall if they mentioned any growth.
Ophthalmologists mention that my eyes are O.K and the problem lies with the weakness of my optic nerve. Neurologists say they cannot do anything. I cannot recall having a clear vision and I don't know if this incident is the root cause.
I am now 35 years old and been managing with this problem ever since. I had an MRI done in 1992 per the request of a Neurologist. Can't recall if they mentioned any growth.
Ophthalmologists mention that my eyes are O.K and the problem lies with the weakness of my optic nerve. Neurologists say they cannot do anything. I cannot recall having a clear vision and I don't know if this incident is the root cause.
vision 2 decades ago
If you would like to try some remedies it wouldn't hurt. There is absolutly no guarentee. It is like one of those things one tries because it is safe and available.
ARNICA and LEDUM together for 5 doses in 5 days. 1M potency.
Arnica at night, one dose Ledum in morning, one dose.
Clean mouth, no toothpaste or foods. (Half hour before or after.) Do not take with water. Let little balls or pellets melt under tongue. 3 to 5 pellets is one dose. In homeopathy, the least taken is best. Here,I am suggesting more doses than usual because of the time element.
Arnica is chosen because it can be used many years after the original injury. Ledum is for many things; puncture wounds here.
PHOSPHORUS is listed for homeopathic treatment of atrophy of optic nerve. After 7 days you could take 3 doses of Phos. 30C. (not Phos acid)
One dose per night for 3 days.
Wait another week to see if there is any activity you would want to report. Even a small clue would be important.
There are a bunch of other remedies for optic nerve, but this is most commonly used.
Please keep us posted. Remember you are taking some homeopathic remedies by mouth that will be in the entire body. We want to know how all is working together.
Homeopathy has a habit of releasing suppression in the body from other medicines, so actually this is a good sign, but sometimes hard to deal with. Yes, it is safe.
If there is discomfort, stop and wait longer between doses. Do not take Phos until few days after finished with the first two.
Blessings, Sabra
ARNICA and LEDUM together for 5 doses in 5 days. 1M potency.
Arnica at night, one dose Ledum in morning, one dose.
Clean mouth, no toothpaste or foods. (Half hour before or after.) Do not take with water. Let little balls or pellets melt under tongue. 3 to 5 pellets is one dose. In homeopathy, the least taken is best. Here,I am suggesting more doses than usual because of the time element.
Arnica is chosen because it can be used many years after the original injury. Ledum is for many things; puncture wounds here.
PHOSPHORUS is listed for homeopathic treatment of atrophy of optic nerve. After 7 days you could take 3 doses of Phos. 30C. (not Phos acid)
One dose per night for 3 days.
Wait another week to see if there is any activity you would want to report. Even a small clue would be important.
There are a bunch of other remedies for optic nerve, but this is most commonly used.
Please keep us posted. Remember you are taking some homeopathic remedies by mouth that will be in the entire body. We want to know how all is working together.
Homeopathy has a habit of releasing suppression in the body from other medicines, so actually this is a good sign, but sometimes hard to deal with. Yes, it is safe.
If there is discomfort, stop and wait longer between doses. Do not take Phos until few days after finished with the first two.
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
The problem (and blessing) with eyes is that we have two-if that accident was the cause your vision problem would start with the right eye --but you probably wouldn't know that.
Everything is curable - but some ailments may be extremely difficult. Those that basically have NO clear cut symptoms.
Blurred vision has tens of remedies (and only one will cure). Nothing makes it worse/better, I guess.No other symptoms.
This is from Boericke (one of the simplest repertories=books in which symptoms are matched to remedies-anyway, there are many more remedies now-this is just an example)
Atrophy -- Agar., Arg. n., Atoxyl, Carbon. s., Iodof., Nux v., Phos., Santon, Strych. nit., Tab.
Inflammation, Neuritis -- Apis, Ars., Bell., Carbon s., Kali iod., Merc. c., Nux v., Picr. ac., Plumb. m., Puls., Rhus t., Santon., Tab., Thyr.
Choked -- Bell., Bry., Dub., Gels., Helleb., Nux v., Puls., Ver. v.
Descending -- Ars., Cupr. m., Merc. c.
Paralysis -- Nux v., Oxytr., Phos. ac.
Everything is curable - but some ailments may be extremely difficult. Those that basically have NO clear cut symptoms.
Blurred vision has tens of remedies (and only one will cure). Nothing makes it worse/better, I guess.No other symptoms.
This is from Boericke (one of the simplest repertories=books in which symptoms are matched to remedies-anyway, there are many more remedies now-this is just an example)
Atrophy -- Agar., Arg. n., Atoxyl, Carbon. s., Iodof., Nux v., Phos., Santon, Strych. nit., Tab.
Inflammation, Neuritis -- Apis, Ars., Bell., Carbon s., Kali iod., Merc. c., Nux v., Picr. ac., Plumb. m., Puls., Rhus t., Santon., Tab., Thyr.
Choked -- Bell., Bry., Dub., Gels., Helleb., Nux v., Puls., Ver. v.
Descending -- Ars., Cupr. m., Merc. c.
Paralysis -- Nux v., Oxytr., Phos. ac.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
dear sir..well i see this forum as a blessing of god..which may help my brother.. sir my brother is hvng a prob with mising optic nerve and nerve degeration since childhood his vision is weak both eyes can he be cured are there any remedies available to grow his optic nerves..awaiting for ur reply with thousand heart..and how can i contact u for personal meet if possible provide ur contact no..with regards rakesh hundia
rakeshhundia last decade
Optic nerve cell do not regenerate so once they become damage. The damage is done. If your vision is poor you do want to check the optic nerve. At times there can be obstructions causing a depression on the nerve. But if the nerve is missing/damaged unfortunately there is not much that can be done.
I don't want to discourage you. But I also didn't want you to have false hopes. Please if you do take homeopathic medicine and experience a difference please post.
I don't want to discourage you. But I also didn't want you to have false hopes. Please if you do take homeopathic medicine and experience a difference please post.
jose07 last decade
one new medicine is added in homoeopathy i.e. optic nerve in LM potency it is avliable in India at Kolkata. It is working very good in optic nerve problem. Try it.
dr.deoshlok sharma
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
I am sorry to hear about your situation.
Can you tell me about your accident? And I believe the optic nerve didn't get served.
Has there been any improvement since then?
I am no doctor but I have faced the same situation recently.
I met with a bike accident on 28th Feb 2016 which made my optic nerve smaller
according to doctors.
I have noticed improvements recently compared to how it was before, I don't know to what extent it got
Praying for healing.
If there is anything I could be of help do let me know. And I would at the
same time appreciate any suggestions from you.
Please mail me getting my mail from profile.
Thank you.
I am sorry to hear about your situation.
Can you tell me about your accident? And I believe the optic nerve didn't get served.
Has there been any improvement since then?
I am no doctor but I have faced the same situation recently.
I met with a bike accident on 28th Feb 2016 which made my optic nerve smaller
according to doctors.
I have noticed improvements recently compared to how it was before, I don't know to what extent it got
Praying for healing.
If there is anything I could be of help do let me know. And I would at the
same time appreciate any suggestions from you.
Please mail me getting my mail from profile.
Thank you.
andrewjishing 8 years ago
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