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Nail Fungus



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

nail fungus

An infection of nail fungus occurs when fungi infect one or more of your nails. A nail fungal infection may begin as a white or yellow spot under the tip of your fingernail or toenail. As the nail fungus spreads deeper into your nail, it may cause your nail to discolor, thicken and develop crumbling edges — an unsightly and potentially painful problem.

These infections usually develop on nails continually exposed to warm, moist environments, such as sweaty shoes or shower floors. Nail fungus isn't the same as athlete's foot, which primarily affects the skin of the feet, but at times the two may coexist and can be caused by the same type of fungus. An infection with nail fungus may be difficult to treat, and infections may recur. Several medications - natural and chemical - are available to help clear up nail fungus.

Are you thinking you might have an infection of the nails? It is possible. But don’t conclude until you are done reading these series on the general overview of nail fungus infections.

In these series, you’ll learn what nail fungus infection is, what causes it, its cure and treatment and preventive measures. Nail fungus also referred to as Onychomycosis is caused by tiny fungus organisms that can be easily contracted anywhere.

If you’ve got it, be rest assured that you are not the only person having this same dilemma as estimates have shown that over two million people in Canada have it while over 10 million people have it in the United States.Nail fungus infections are really hard to spot earlier on.

They only become obvious when they are fully established under the nails. Then they appear as a yellow spot which gradually spreads until it infects all parts of the nail and further spreads to all the other toe and finger nails.

It is very easy for the fungus to survive in the nails because it is a very habitable environment for it to grow in. This is because most people wear covered and shoes that are not aerated. As they grow in warm moist dark environment, which sure provides the optimum breeding condition for them.

Please note that nail fungus infections are infectious and can spread from one person to the other. The ways you can contact them from other people is when you share the same bathrooms as in public shower stalls, locker rooms and bathrooms.

These places are usually moist and people who have them can walk around barefooted. The fungus which gets deposited on the floor as they walk around gets picked up by those who did not have them previously just by walking across the floor.

It is also contractible from nail files and emery boards. It is the reason it is not good hygiene practice to share your nail files with other people as you can never tell what they carry on their nails particularly when it isn’t obvious yet.

It is also advisable that you not walk around in bare foot in public bathrooms, shower stalls and locker rooms. Get a flip flop that you can wear when you are going to places like that. However, if it is late and you are sure you have already contacted it, you might want to start treating immediately.
  nancysmith52 on 2009-08-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

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