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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I have just ordered Phosphorus and Nux Vomica for my hayfever that will start in May. I have been told to start the medicine straight away by one person and told to start the medicine when the symptoms start by another. What do you advise? What dosage should I take?

  BelindaCPFC on 2005-03-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
whether you take them now depends on whether you are presenting with any symptoms of nux vom or phosphorous at the moment.....if not then wait until you get your hayfever symptoms and take nux vom if you have nux vom symptoms or phos if you have phos symptoms.
erika last decade
I get nux vom or phosphorous symptoms, so is it ok to take both? What dosage should I take?
BelindaCPFC last decade
do you mean you get symptoms of both remedies now or when yo get the hayfever?
erika last decade
When my symptoms start in May
BelindaCPFC last decade
When you get the symptoms in May then take whichever one of the 2 remedies is more suitable at the time - if this one does not work try the other. What potency have you got?
erika last decade
i'm not sure
BelindaCPFC last decade
can only advise on dosage when I know the potency. Once you get the medicine let me know.
erika last decade
I've just found out 6C
BelindaCPFC last decade
When you get symptoms take one dose of chosen remedy every 15 minutes for 3-4 doses. If this does not help AT ALL change to the other remedy. If it begins to help then stick with the first remedy and carry on taking it - after these first 3-4 doses take another dose only once the effect of the last dose has stopped ( this may be 15 minutes, 30 minutes or even one day later!). Take further doses, if needed, in the same way - i.e. only take another dose when the effect of the last has worn off.
Often the remedy is more effective if you crush a couple of pillules/tablets and put them in a small glass of water. For each dose take one sip of water and hold in mouth for a while. Stir the remedy with a metal teaspoon between each dose.
If taking a remedy frequently only continue taking it if it is definitely helping - if it is not, or if it makes you feel worse stop taking it!
erika last decade
forgot to say - to 'crush' the tablets/pills place between 2 clean metal teaspoons
erika last decade
Thanks very much, but the Phosphorous is suppose to ease my asthma and the nux vom should ease all my other symptoms. Do you still think I should only stick to one?
BelindaCPFC last decade
both remedies can treat both hayfever and asthma - depending on symptoms. Don't feel I can advise on asthma on forum as this is much more complicated and best done in a consulting room taking full case etc. hope this is of help
erika last decade
Ok, thank you very much
BelindaCPFC last decade
it's a pleasure - good health for May!
erika last decade
Both asthma and hay fever are signs of a depleted immune system. May be due to antibiotics or other allopathic meds.
Probably the best remedy for hay fever is Nat Sul. But alwsys it is best to comence the treatment when the condition is still latent.
I have used Psorinum and silica to deal with Asthma.
passkey last decade
nat sulph also excellent asthma remedy.
erika last decade
An excellent remedy to avoid Catarrh which is often mistaken for Hay Fever is Bacillinum 200. I have often used it when allopathic medicines have failed with almost instant results. Please see my previous posts on this amazing remedy.

If you do decide to use it the dose is just 4 balls of Bacillinum 200 under the tongue taken just once and repeated in 2 weeks. This remedy seems to work like a vaccine and provides resistance to catarrh and frequent colds. It maybe taken every 6 months in the same manner if symptoms recur.

Do not take it when having any Asthmatic symptoms as it may aggravate. You should take it only when you are completely free of any symptoms.
Joe De Livera last decade
Bacillinum - yes - I have treated asthma patients with bacillinum 30c which has not aggravated asthma, but has enabled patients to reduce the use of their inhalers.
erika last decade
hi all

just to say there's a forum dedicated to hayfever sufferers, its at hayfeverforum,co,uk


shabbadoof13 last decade

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