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Remedy Finder:

Enlarged Prostate



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

I have a strange problem. although its not related to prosatate, but i believe i will get some good advice here.The problem is that as im groing older my butt and thighs are getting thinner, what can possibly be the reason?

steven last decade
The phenomenon you observed is the price you pay as you grow older.

You can help to overcome it if you exercise daily as I do at age 76 for 45 minutes by walking briskly, listening to music or a Podcast on my iPod Shuffle which is the ultimate device to play any music while walking.

You can also help your muscles and body to recuperate overnight if you use Arnica 6c in the Wet Dose that I have recommended elsewhere on this forum every night. Is is possible that I have accidentally discovered that nebulous "Fountain of Youth" and I am a living example as my BP is 120/80 pulse 65 and I wake up refreshed without any ache or pain in my body due to the recuperative process which seems to be accelerated by the Arnica if taken just before sleep. Everyone who meets me cannot believe that I am this old, and I am convinced that this is all thanks to Arnica that I have taken every night for since 1996.
Joe De Livera last decade

Thats good to see that you are enjoying very good health.And u are lucky to find the right medicine. I have arnica with me, but its 30 not 6c. can it be used.

Thanks and regards
steven last decade

Thats good to see that you are enjoying very good health.And u are lucky to find the right medicine. I have arnica with me, but its 30 not 6c. can it be used.

Thanks and regards
steven last decade

Thats good to see that you are enjoying very good health.And u are lucky to find the right medicine. I have arnica with me, but its 30 not 6c. can it be used.

Thanks and regards
steven last decade

Use the Wet Dose which I have described in other posts when you will only use 3 globules or 1 drop of the liquid remedy.
Joe De Livera last decade
respected doctors, and readrrs, Friends, ,

I am very new to this form

Since Iam suffering from enlarged prostate thus very difficult to urine and to give more pressure to pass urine some time motion also come same time.
now Fenosteroid tablets are using as english medicine

I too used homeopathic medicines but result are not getting (I used to have alcohole consumption weakly twice )

now iam very much interest ed about arnic 30c please advise in my case this medicine work ?

Please advice

thanks & regards

joshy t
joshy_lazar last decade
Due to prostrate enlargement patient will have difficulty in passing urine. May be due to this he may have urge to pass urine frequently.

by Oscar E. BOERICKE, M.D.


FREQUENT -- Acon., Agar., Agn., Alfal., Aloe, Alum., Ant. c., Apis, Arg. n., Aspar., Aur. mur., Bar. c., Bell., Benz. ac., Berb. v., Bor. ac., Calc. ars., Calc. c., Can. s., Canth., Caps., Carls., Caust., Chimaph., Clem., Coccus., Colch., Col., Conv., Cub., Dig., Equis., Ferr. p., Fer. picr., Formica, Gels., Glycerin., Helleb., Helon., Hydrang., Ign., Indol, Jatropha, kali c., Kal., Kreos., Lact. ac., Lil. t., Lith. benz., Lith. c., Lyc., Merc. c., Merc. v., Nat. c., Nit. ac., Nux v., Ocimum, Ol. sant., Ox. ac., Phos. ac., Piloc., Plumb., Prun. sp., Pulex, Puls., Sabal, Sab., Samb., Santon., Sars., Scilla, Sec., Sep., Sil., Staph., Sul., Tritic., Uva, Vespa, Zing.

Now as per the above repertory there are about 50 remedies that may work for prostrate enlargement. Reckeweg suggests the combination of following remedies (please note that these are appearing above)

Fer. picr.
and also the following not appearing above
pariera brava
populus trem

in the potencies they give in their booklet. This product is sold worldwide. But such suggestions are bitterly attacked in the forum as they do not stand on the principles written in the books authored by the masters of homeopathy.

The other approach may be to look into
SCANTY FLOW -- Acon., Adon. v., Alfal., Apis, Apoc., Arg. n., Ars., Aur. mur., Bell., Benz. ac., Berb. v., Bry., Camph., Can. s., Canth., Carb. ac., Carbo v., Chimaph., Clem., Colch., Col., Conv., Cupr. ars., Dig., Dulc., Equis., Eup. purp., Fluor. ac., Graph., Helleb., Junip., Kali bich., Kali chlor., Kali iod., Kreos., Lach., Lecith., Lil. t., Lith. c., Lyc., Lyssin, Menthol, Merc. c., Merc. cy., Nit. ac., Nux v., Op., Phos., Picr. ac., Piloc., Plumb., Prun. sp., Pulex, Puls., Ruta, Sab., Sars., Scilla, Selen., Senec., Senega, Sep., Serum ang., Solid., Stroph., Sul., Sul. ac., Sulphon., Tereb., Uva, Zing.

You did'nt get the result because your homeopath may be able to select the right remedy may be in the next attempt or may be in the next 50th attempt.

So the patient should keep patience.
kadwa last decade
To Joshy

You must read all the preceding pages on this thread if you wish to be informed of the various remedies that have shown positive results to treat an Enlarged Prostate. This thread dates back to 2004 and many experienced Homeopaths including me have contributed to it for the last 6 years and it contains a wealth of information that you will not find elsewhere.

I must admit that I was disturbed to read the advice given to you above which reads:

'You did'nt get the result because your homeopath may be able to select the right remedy may be in the next attempt or may be in the next 50th attempt.

So the patient should keep patience.'

It is this form of advice that I find very surprising as the prescriber expects the patient to choose one remedy out of about 150 that he has copied from Boericke but he does not indicate the remedy that you the patient expected. I often wonder why this classical homeopath even bothers to take a case if he is not genuinely interested in helping the patient.

This is another reason why Homeopathy is suffering today as a result of this pseudo classical attitude displayed by some members who are more intent on showing off their classical knowledge rather than in curing the disease that the patient presents.
Joe De Livera last decade
I was diagnosed with BHP about 10 years ago. I have taken cardura, flowmax, proscar and avodart. Prostrate reduced from 68 gms to 38 gms. My symptoms are weak stream, frequent urination and dribbling and sense of not emptying the bladder. If I have to go out, I must go to bathroom at least 3 or 4 times to take out the last drop. Thereafter I can stay comfortable for about 2 to 3 hours. I normally get up about once at night.

I stopped flowmax on 15 feb 2010, because it caused me flashes in my right eye, I think. I have taken homeopathic medicines from time to time. For the last 10 months or so I am regularly on R-25, 12 drops 3 times a day, and 1mg cardura at night. I also take a dose of Canthris 200, if I feel burning and Thuja Q in case of forked stream. Sometime, I also Conium 200 to improve stream.

This is for prostrate.

In addition I take Crataegus Q for heart, R23 for Eczema, and Syzegium jambolanum Q for BS, for eyes(Naphthaline 200 & Cal Flour 12X)

I want to try Arnica. Arnica 30c in tablet form in not available here. Instead Arnica 30 and 200 in liquid form is available. Could you please tell me the equivalent of 30c, and may I take Arnica 30 or 200(liquid) instead of 30c.

Further more may I pour it into R-25 that I take thrice a day.

Am I taking too many homeopathic medicines and do they cause any adverse inter action?
shasif last decade
to mr joe,

my age is 65.
shasif last decade
my recent psa was 3.06
shasif last decade
If you had taken Arnica 30c 10 years ago you would have discovered that it would have helped you better than all the drugs you have used so far.

I do note that your Prostate has been reduced from 68gm to 38gm by these drugs and if your record is correct I cannot understand why you still suffer from an urge to urinate frequently in spite of taking all the drugs you listed. I can only presume that the drugs had lost their effectiveness after 10 years of use and you must consider yourself fortunate that you stopped the Flomax, Proscar and Avodart before they caused more damage.

The reason why you have that frequent urge to void urine is due to your retaining some urine after voiding and it is my hope that you will find some relief with the Arnica. Many patients have reported almost immediate relief within a few hours after taking their first dose of Arnica and I would like to have your report of your own response.

You have also stated:
'In addition I take Crataegus Q for heart, R23 for Eczema, and Syzegium jambolanum Q for BS, for eyes(Naphthaline 200 & Cal Flour 12X) '

This makes your treatment doubly difficult as it is rarely that a patient presents problems associated with:


I must admit that you are the first patient I have encountered who has presented ALL these ailments and I am at a loss how to proceed to treat you for your Prostate as your other problems may or may not be as urgent as your Prostate.

The good news is that Arnica 6c in the Wet dose will help the following problems that you present:


Please also list the various drugs and Homeo remedies you are taking today for all your ailments.

I note that you can get Arnica 30c in the 'liquid form' Please check if this is the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol preferably 85% Ethanol as this is critical for the Wet dose.

Please complete the Patient's questionnaire on the link below and I shall indicate the remedies that you can use after I study it.

Joe De Livera last decade
I am 38, having swelling in right epidedymus and cord, difficulty in passing urine, weak stream. The swelling remains constant. Ultrasound confirmed that this is not hernia. Can this be due to enlarged prostate? If yes, any suggestion for medicine?
manishkumar8 last decade
Sir I am suffering from prostatitis. And I am not wanting to get operated. My PSA is 1.06. Six months back it was 0.64.

I am taking Urimax D one tab a day but it increases my palpitation.

Homeopathic medicine Sabal Serrata Q has been recommended by a friend.

What are your recommendations?

tapasvi 8 years ago
Joe is no longer an n the forum as he is retired at 85 years old.He is not a dr or a homeopath .

This forum is set up for general discussion and rarely has real medical people or real homeopaths on here. Often the advice given is dangerous.

Go see a real homeopath , after you research them and see how long they have practiced and have done this type of case. Do not go to a giant clinic,where it is a cash generating machine. Do not take sabul Q. There are many side effects of this , such as low testosterone that will result in
Depression and permanent low t levels.
simone717 8 years ago
I seek help please...
Niiev161 8 years ago
I am suffering from prostatitis. And I am not wanting to get operated. My PSA is 1.06. Six months back it was 0.64.

I am taking Urimax D one tab a day but it increases my palpitation.

Homeopathic medicine Sabal Serrata Q has been recommended by a friend. My age is 57 years.

What are your recommendations?
Niiev161 8 years ago

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