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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I have done extensive searches on the right rememdy for allergies, but can't find an exact match. I have a known allergy to poplar trees. The poplar pollen count is very high right now, and I am currently experiencing severe hayfever symptoms such as:

- sudden and violent, jarring sneezing
- sensation of wanting to sneeze but unable to at times
- runny nose
- itchy eyes in corners, rubbing
- blocked eustachian tubes
- inner ear crackling on swallowing
- itchy deep in ears, in eustachian tubes
- plugged ears
- itchy nose inside, frequent rubbing
- itchy throat
- nausea
- loss of appetite

If anyone has an idea of an exact remedy match, I would be very grateful!

Thank you in advance...
  inspired on 2005-04-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
No such thing as an "exact match." You did tell all the symptoms, but nothing of yourself. Don't know if M or F. Age?

What kind of person are you? Likes/dislikes. Better with, worse With. Food pref. Bed pref. Bathing pref.

Allergy season is worse this year because of heavy winters and rain. Don't know what part of the world you are from, but spring has sprung here. State or country only.

You sound like about 3 remedies, other discriptions will help separate for the one.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
I have treated cases of Catarrh here in Sri Lanka with one dose of Bacillinum 200c repeated 2 weeks after. This usually helps to stop the Catarrh for about 6 months.

I am not quite certain if what we call Catarrh here is what is known in the US as Hayfever or Allergy but it may be worth using it to see if it helps.
Joe De Livera last decade
Here in the states, allergy is like sneezing, itching nose, cough, itchy ears and general discomfort above the neck in the sinus. A pollen reaction or mold or trees and flowers. Must be at least 20 different remedies to consider.

We think of catarrh as a mucus condition that may be like a bad cold and feelings of going to bed. May invade the lungs.

More like an infection while an allergy is not infectious, not "catching."

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade

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