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Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2Severe Depression, Extreme Fatigue & Laziness, Severe Depression1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Depression in children

My child 17.5years old,
Has written 12th Exam (with great difficulty)
She scored 88% in 10th
Changed school in 11th

Father is away on official assignment (during 12th exam)

Cries , blank, Anger , feels isolated as no friends, constipation, high myopia, some times chest pain and headache , complains about every body,spreads her hair on face

Problems were visible since half-yearly exam this year, she could not perform properly.

Food ,sleep normal (more sleepy some times)

Gets tensed one day before collage entrance exams she has to write,
when said ‘ok don’t write the exam’ then becomes ok.

Once out side usually behaves normal, is able to sit and write in exam hall.

Gets tensed when we talk about collage admission or courses to be opted.

Homeopathy treatments by local practicner:

Coculous 2x3days
Lycopodium for 3 days
Nux vom for constipation 2times a day
Kali phox during exams 3 times a day and Gel for eye pain and concentration (kali phox gives immidiate relief)

Now I went to a professional famous (and very costly) homeopath in Chennai they gave unknown medicines twice daily and called for next week but since then she is very weepy whole day instead of a few hours as earlier .

Pl. help us.

  omsairam on 2011-04-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Please trust on your homeopath and go to him and discuss about the use and after use symptoms hopefully he will manage the potency of the medicine. I think he has correctly examin her and the medicine which he did not give name can help her by changing potency or frequency of dose etc. etc.

moreover in these cases the medicine takes time to recover the patients do not worry please be hopeful. May Allah help you and your daughter.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Professional and famous do not necessarily translate into gentle healing/cure.

Apart from medicine, she needs counselling too. The place you are located is well known for rat race and consequent depression in teens. Do not insist on the results. Enjoy the process of them getting transformed into successful individuals rather than mindless machines or broken down individuals.
maheeru last decade
Thanks for replying. We are continuing with the same homeopath.
omsairam last decade
This is a very difficult situation for the family. They think that if the student doesn't do well in this crucial year, his life may be ruined.
There is no doubt that people with good competitive skills like GATE, CET, Civil Services, GRE, GMAT Toppers should be respected, but that respect should not create fear in the minds of students.
The family members should never create an environment where a member will refuse to lead a cheerful and normal life for the fear of not doing well in the exams. We should always try to provide them an environment where their creativity and not competitiveness is unleashed.
[message edited by kadwa on Mon, 25 Apr 2011 09:40:21 BST]
kadwa last decade
We never pressurized her, but there is peer pressure and from teachers as well.

Thank God,after talking to the dr (45 mins Counseling by homeopath)she has recovered 70 to 80%, med is also working.
omsairam last decade
That's good. She may need a few more counselling sessions(professional counselling is preferable).
maheeru last decade

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