The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Suffering from skin infection
Hi,I am suffering from fungal infection for past 2 months. Its on my leg. Initially I used allopathic medicine but it did not work. Finally I switched over to homeopathy prescribed by family doctor. He prescribed SEPIA 30 thrice a day for a week. I took it for 5 days after which I started to have headaches, nausea.Moreover I did not have my period for that month. I stopped the medicine completely. Now I am better no headaches, nausea. My infection has healed partly. But I am worried about my period. What should I do??
nidhi123 on 2011-06-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Sulphur 30 thrice a day for only one day and see whether it helps in regularising your periods.
♡ kadwa last decade
Thanks for your reply. Just to be more precise the infection looks like ringworm as it is round in shape. Moreover, I want to know that my missed period is side effect of sepia as my system is very sensitive to any medicine related to hormone.
nidhi123 last decade
There are two possibilities..
your periods are disturbed due to Sepia.
Here you have 2 options.
wait for 2 months and sepia will withdraw it's stimulation from your system having completed it's course of action.
antidote sepia by taking sulphur as suggested.
Sepia has no role in your missed periods.
Here you have to work out a remedy on the basis of totality of your symptoms.
your periods are disturbed due to Sepia.
Here you have 2 options.
wait for 2 months and sepia will withdraw it's stimulation from your system having completed it's course of action.
antidote sepia by taking sulphur as suggested.
Sepia has no role in your missed periods.
Here you have to work out a remedy on the basis of totality of your symptoms.
♡ kadwa last decade
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