The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Serum Creatinine
Hi all,My father's is suffering from Kidney disease. His Serum Creatinine has increased to 2.2. His age is around 73 years.
Around 3-4 years ago I had posted the same request here and at that time his Serum Creatinine level was 2.6.
As per the suggestions by Doctors on this forum, they had suggested to take Serum Anguillae 30c and Solidago V Q drops. He took it that time and my Father's Serum Creatinine got controlled. After some time he stopped medicines and after that his Serum Creatinine got increased.
Now he is again taking Serum Anguillae 30c and Solidago V Q drops for the last 6 months, but Serum Creatinine is not coming down. Currently it is around 2.1/2.2.
Kindly suggest the remedy for the same. I will be highly appreciated.
hkdua on 2011-06-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Serum is an excellent medicine, but used for acute conditions only.
Give Thuja 30, twice a day for a few months for permanent results.
In addition, Kali Mur 6x (bio chemic medicine), 3 tablets in 1/2 glass of water, three times a day provies the pottasium he will need to restore kidney action
For general instructions, please see my Profile.
Reva V
Give Thuja 30, twice a day for a few months for permanent results.
In addition, Kali Mur 6x (bio chemic medicine), 3 tablets in 1/2 glass of water, three times a day provies the pottasium he will need to restore kidney action
For general instructions, please see my Profile.
Reva V
♡ Reva V last decade
My Dad has diabetes from 27 years. He has high blood pressure and recently started taking insulin in little quantities as per Doctors prescription. Recently found his legs swelled and when tested his urine creatinine levels are 1.6 ; Nephrologist gave some medicines. Please suggest How can he get permanent results from homeo.
dude_0000 last decade
my father has creainine level of 5.3 and high urea. he is also a diabetic.. he is continuing his allopathy medicine for last 2 years. pls kindly advice some homeopathy medicine.
thanks for the help
thanks for the help
knc.mail last decade
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