The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Serum Creatinine 3
Hello Practitioners,My father's, age 77 years, serum creatinine has increased to 3. He has been taking the following medicines for a while, which used to bring creatinine level to normal earlier but not getting it under control now a days. His serum creatinine was 2.7 three months ago, which has increased to 3 in spite of taking the following medicines.
- Solidago (15 drops 2 times a day)
- AAlserum 7x (10 drops 1 time a day)
Also he used to take Blood urea creatinine drops, but stopped 1 month ago.
He is also on Allopathic medication for sugar & bp.
He generally gets hangover and become unconscious now a days pretty often.
Please help to suggest good remedy to cure this.
hkdua on 2015-03-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
His one of the kiddney is also damaged and with the other one his creatinine has increased to 3.
Now a days he feels dizziness/giddiness pretty often and he becomes almost unconscious and sometime fall down. Also gets vomit sometime. During this time he looses total control and recovers back in an hour or so.
Please let me know if any more details needed.
Now a days he feels dizziness/giddiness pretty often and he becomes almost unconscious and sometime fall down. Also gets vomit sometime. During this time he looses total control and recovers back in an hour or so.
Please let me know if any more details needed.
hkdua 9 years ago
I can try to find a suitable remedy for you. Before doing that, please click on my username to know about me & my prescription skills. Once you have done that, I will post my standard questionnaire for you to reply.
Please answer applicable questions below to describe as you are feeling during this illness.
Answer below the questions leaving them in place.
Answers should be detailed.
Yes/No/Normal are not helpful answers.
1. Your appearance (gender, age, weight, height)
2. What are the symptoms of the problem
3. In your view, what caused this problem
4. What non-medicinal action makes the problem better
5. What non-medicinal action makes the problem worse
6. How are you feeling emotionally during the problem e.g. restless, calm, stubborn, weepy, want to be alone, fear of death etc
7. Are you feeling cold or warm
8. How is your level of energy
9. How is your thirst
10. Are your lips or mouth dry
11. Any strong like or dislike regarding food taste that has developed during this illness e.g. salty, sweet, sour, bitter etc
12. Any other health issues that you have
13. What allopathic medicines are you taking
14. What homeopathic medicines have you taken in last 3 months (dates, dose, potency)
Please answer applicable questions below to describe as you are feeling during this illness.
Answer below the questions leaving them in place.
Answers should be detailed.
Yes/No/Normal are not helpful answers.
1. Your appearance (gender, age, weight, height)
2. What are the symptoms of the problem
3. In your view, what caused this problem
4. What non-medicinal action makes the problem better
5. What non-medicinal action makes the problem worse
6. How are you feeling emotionally during the problem e.g. restless, calm, stubborn, weepy, want to be alone, fear of death etc
7. Are you feeling cold or warm
8. How is your level of energy
9. How is your thirst
10. Are your lips or mouth dry
11. Any strong like or dislike regarding food taste that has developed during this illness e.g. salty, sweet, sour, bitter etc
12. Any other health issues that you have
13. What allopathic medicines are you taking
14. What homeopathic medicines have you taken in last 3 months (dates, dose, potency)
fitness 9 years ago
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