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Sulphur: Professional Constitutional Kit #1: First Aid Kit:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sulphur dosage

after considerable amount of study i found that sulphur is best drug for all my symptoms... so i took two doses of sulphur200c with 7 days gap. for one dose i took 5 pills. I am 22. Is it correct dose for me or i got over dosed?
Please comment.
  vendet on 2012-02-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Do you notice any changes after taking these two doses. Please don't take weekly doses of Sulphur without review.
kadwa last decade
day before yesterday only i had second dose ....... iam not sure about the effects of sulphur yet ... my acne and other symptoms depends on lots of factors ... as of now i have a bit difficulty in breathing, which always happens for me when i eat tomato/spicy foods ... but the last week was fine
vendet last decade
how many days it will take for sulphur to show effect? is the dose i took over or sufficient ?
vendet last decade
Why did you decide on Sulphur?

You realise that analyzing a case, choosing the right symptoms, translating them into rubrics, and then deciding between all the remedies that show for the symptoms, is quite a complex procedure.

On top of that, assessing the case is actually even more difficult. We study for many years to be able to do all this. You are running a risk in self-prescribing like this.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
all my symptoms matched exactly with the sulphur symptoms in abchomeopathy and many other sources. :(

From now on I wont take any thing without consulting.

How should i proceed now?

vendet last decade
If you want someone to supervise, you cannot simply say 'all my symptoms matched'. What symptoms, what is the problem, what is the history, what are the issues, what are the modalities in the case, what are the causations, what miasmatic features are there? We need a lot to be able to help you, and so far we have nothing.

Sulphur suits 10 000 things, and it does 10 000 things.

At this stage you will have to wait, probably at least 2 weeks, to see what the effect of the remedy is. You can go to this thread I posted regarding how to help a practitioner assess your response to a remedy.

brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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