The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Sulphur dosage for severe depression
My partner has had depression for 5 years, recently his business has gone extremely downhill and he is being forced to close up and sort out the debts, the depression has gone from bad to worse over the last month and Sulphur has come up as the most suitable remedy via the self diagnosis section, i am unsure what dosage and potency to start out with but am eager to get him started on this as soon as possible. I would appreciate any advice. Many thanksLexy
lexypie on 2006-03-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
in mental case medicine are use in high potency you can use 1M weekly one dose or 10M fortnightly. but sulpher is disorgnised person, uncleaned, not regular bath
loss of Business is Arsenic also Arsenic patient is always tip top ,he deslike the unorgnised thing, all thing will orderly, can not bear disorgnised thing, cleanliness
befor going to select the remedy think twice whether it is correct or not.
in loss of busines symptom are found i.e. fear of disease this will get in arsenic alb
dr.deoshlok sharma
loss of Business is Arsenic also Arsenic patient is always tip top ,he deslike the unorgnised thing, all thing will orderly, can not bear disorgnised thing, cleanliness
befor going to select the remedy think twice whether it is correct or not.
in loss of busines symptom are found i.e. fear of disease this will get in arsenic alb
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
thanks for that, i think he is sulphur because he is more disorganised etc so i'll try that thanks.
thanks for that, i think he is sulphur because he is more disorganised etc so i'll try that thanks.
lexypie last decade
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