The ABC Homeopathy Forum
always anxious, nervous and social phobia
Sir,I am 36 male. I have following symptoms.
always nervous
anxiety, restlessness especially before any event or appointed time or anticipatory interview
doubt whether properly locked apartment while going to office (go back to check thrice)
wake up at nights and worry about the next day if everything is not right (if there is delivery tomorrow)
Lots of anxiety. Dislike of criticism, suppression, and being scorned
Embarassment is extremely humiliating
anxitety about future
slightest noise awakens
mouth bleeding gums
In childhood I used to worry whether I wrote number or not in my exam papers.
Also recently for the past 4 years there are number of lumps developed over my body esp., hands and thighs.
Request you please suggest me appropriate remedy.
Kind Regards
Jaya Kishore Pattaswamy
pattaswamy on 2005-08-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you eat little and often -- have a lethargic spell about 4 in the afternoon -- try Lycopodium
If you cant pee in the presence of another person try Natrun mur
If you have split nails , smelly feet try Silica ( or as this site has it Silicea)
If you cant pee in the presence of another person try Natrun mur
If you have split nails , smelly feet try Silica ( or as this site has it Silicea)
walkin last decade
you have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)....have you tried a good psychiatrist??? or st john's wort?
it is a very treatable condition....also read the book "the doubting disease"
it is a very treatable condition....also read the book "the doubting disease"
Alfalfa Q last decade
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