The ABC Homeopathy Forum
always nervous, anxious and social phobia
Sir,I am 36 male. I have following symptoms.
always nervous
anxiety, restlessness at night esp when tough times
wake up at nights and worry about the next day if there is any delivery or everything is not right.
Embarassment is extremely humiliating
anxitety about future
indifferent to surroundings
slightest noise awakens
mouth bleeding gums
In childhood I used to worry about whether number entered or not in my exam papers.
Now daily used to check whether gas off and locked properly or not, lights off or not thrice before coming out.
Request you please suggest a remedy for me.
Kind Regards
Jaya Kishore Pattaswamy
pattaswamy on 2005-08-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have a friend with similar problems who responded quite well to arg nit 1m weekly.
Also he would take Bach Rescue Remedy if his feelings were starting to get out of hand.
What do others think?
I have a friend with similar problems who responded quite well to arg nit 1m weekly.
Also he would take Bach Rescue Remedy if his feelings were starting to get out of hand.
What do others think?
waterfall last decade
Thanks for reply.
I just want to add that some more.
body trembles when excited.
Also cannot see people in their eyes. avoid eye contact.
Started taking arg nit 30x twice daily as right now I do not have 1M potency. Will try to have it by the weekend.
I just want to add that some more.
body trembles when excited.
Also cannot see people in their eyes. avoid eye contact.
Started taking arg nit 30x twice daily as right now I do not have 1M potency. Will try to have it by the weekend.
pattaswamy last decade
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