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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Back Pain

I am 70 years old male suffering from back pain (low as well as upper) for the last five years. Started as lower back pain but now I get upper back pain also though upper one is mainly muscular. MRI scan shows oestoprosis with reduced gap in discs L3, L4 and L5. I have been taking allopathic medicines. Metaxalone 400 (muscle relaxant) and Diclofenac 50 mg taken once daily help relieve the pain but the effect is as long as the medicine lasts. I have to take these daily.
I have taken homeopathic medicine cobaltum 30 three times daily for about one year while allopathic medicines were also continued. Initially there seemed to be some relief and dependence on allopathic medicines reduced but later the effect was not visible and pain was as bad as before. My remedy grid is given below. Based on this and some case study in the Forum, I have started Rhus Tox 200 twice daily. I intend to take this for one week and stop for one week and continue this cycle of start one week and stop one week as indicated by a patient in the forum who got full relief. I have taken it for three days now along with allopathic medicine. There is no apparent relief at present. I would appreciate if some one can suggest some medicine for better response.

[message edited by jagdishmalik on Tue, 07 Aug 2012 14:04:18 BST]
  jagdishmalik on 2012-08-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please ensure that the Remedy Grid is posted here.

[message edited by kadwa on Tue, 07 Aug 2012 08:20:14 BST]
kadwa last decade
Mr Kadwa,
Grid posted please.
jagdishmalik last decade
Please take Nux Vomica 200 in the morning and evening for 3 days and see how that affects in next 3 days.

Please stop allopathic medicines and take one tablet each of ayurvedic medicine yograj guggulu and chandraprabha vati in the morning and evening after meals. The tablets should be crushed and swallowed with water.

If there is no relief, update the grid by incorporating your mental symptoms, thirst, thermal preference etc.
kadwa last decade
Mr Kadwa,
Thanks for your advice. I will give a few more days to Rhus Tox 200 and then take Nux Vomica 200 as suggested by you.
jagdishmalik last decade
Dr Kadwa,
I find Mahayograj Guggulu is also available. Which one do I have to take? Yograj or Mahayograj?
[message edited by jagdishmalik on Wed, 08 Aug 2012 14:57:22 BST]
jagdishmalik last decade
Yograj works better for elder people.
kadwa last decade
Dr Kadwa,
Thanks for your reply.
I need your advice in another matter also.
I request you to guide me on the method of taking Homeopathic medicine to get best result.
At present I dissolve 8 to 10 drops of the medicine in one dram vial of sugar pills size 30 and take 5 no. of these pills as one dose till the contents are finished and then prepare some more if needed. This method is also followed by our local Homeopathic Doctor.
I understand I can also take Homeopathic medicines by dissolving two drops of the medicine in 25 ml of water and drinking the solution slowly as one dose.
Kindly advise which is the method to get best results.
jagdishmalik last decade
Quantity doesn't matter in homeopathy. Even if you put 2 drops in one dram globules and take just one globule at a time it is one dose.

It is not like allopathy or ayurved where dose changes with the dose size.
kadwa last decade
Dr Kadwa,
I wish to give you update on my ailment.
I have stopped all allopathic medicines and started Yograj Guggulu and Chandraprabha Vati as advised by you.
I was apprehensive that with the stoppage of pain killers I will have a difficult time. But the good news is that Rhus Tox 200 is now showing positive effects. The pain is under control, tenderness and stiffness in the muscles and the back nerves is reduced. Overall I feel a relief of about 30%.
This is the first time after a very long time that I have felt this much better without pain killers.
So the natural tendency is to continue the line of therapy. I have now taken Rhus Tox 200 twice daily for 7 days. I have noticed that the pain becomes more, just before the time due for taking the dose. After I take the medicine, there is a significant improvement within half an hour. Now I need your advice on:
1. I have purchased Nux Vomica 200 as advised by you. But since Rhus Tox seems to be working for me, I wish to continue with it for some more time. Moreover from the description given in ABC Homeopathy for Nux Person, I find that I do not have any characteristics of Nux person.
2. Can I continue to take Rhus Tox 200 till I get complete relief? If not, what should be the cycle?
3. What can I take on sustained basis? Can it be Rhus Tox 30 three times daily?
Would appreciate your early response.
jagdishmalik last decade
If you're taking ayurvedic medicines along with homeopathic medicines, then please stop eating curd, black grams, sour and fermented food items as these tend to neutralize the herbal ayurvedic medicines.
aarcs last decade
i know one allopathic doctor. He developed interest in homeopathy. He used remedies in high potency and in frequent doses. He got too much swelling on his feet every morning. This was a proving of Rhus Tox.

Please stop Rhus Tox 200 and take calc phos 6x 3 pellets in the morning and evening for 4 days. You may start rhus tox 200 again after 3 days and take it for 2 days. Then again calc phos 6x.
kadwa last decade
Dr Kadwa,
Thanks for your guidance. I will follow your advice. As I have understood, I will take:
1. Calc Phos 6X (biochemic) 3 pallets twice daily for 4 days.
2. Will not take any medicine for the next 3 days.
3. Rhus Tox 200 twice daily for next two days.
4. Followed by Calc Phos 6X twice daily for two days.
5. If the condition improves or is stable, I will continue this cycle of two days Rhus Txo 200 and two days Calc Phos 6X for some time (say about a month.
6. I will give you an update after that or sooner if needed.
I would appreciate if you can correct me if there is a gap in my understanding and your advice.
jagdishmalik last decade
Yes, you got it correctly. You should stop taking rhus tox if there is substantial relief.
kadwa last decade
Dear Dr Kadwa,
I have acted as advised by you. Took Rhus Tox 200 twice daily for two days followed by Calc Phos 6X twice daily for two days. I have been taking Yograj Guggulu and Chandraprabha Vati also one tab each twice daily. allpathic medicines have been stopped.
There was some reduction in pain, tenderness and stiffness for first one week. Thereafter the situation became almost the same as before. I found that Guggulu acted as Aryuvedic NSAID and was quite effective but I had to increase its dose to 2 tab twice daily along with one tab of Chandraprabha Vati. I hope the dose is within safe limits since the leaflet coming along with the medicine indicates dosage as 1 to 4 tablets twice daily. Since Rhus Tox was not giving any relief, I took Nux Vomica 200 twice daily as recommended by you for three days. This also does not seem to be adding to the relief I feel with Guggulu. I have revisited the remedy grid including my disposition in it. This grid is attached. Please advise what should I do next to get relief - short term as well as long term.

jagdishmalik last decade
Please take Phosphorus 200 in the morning and evening for 2 days and report after one week. The ayurvedic vatis are safe, bhasmas may create problems if dose is exceeded.
kadwa last decade
Dear Dr Kadwa,
Thanks for your reply. I need some more advice on Guggulu. Since the time I have started this, I find that the nerves in my forehead, around temples and behind the ears are tightening giving a feeling amounting to numbness sometimes. This has become more pronounced when I have increased the dose, though there is a lot of relief in lower back pain. Could it be because Guggulu has made my BP to increase? I intend to stop Guggulu for a day and restart with Kaishore Guggulu which I understand is better tolerated by people with warm constitution. Please advise if this the correct path. Otherwise please suggest the way to address the tightening of nerves on the temples and back of my ears. I do want to continue with Guggulu as it is first time that I am getting more relief with it than with allopathic pain killers and muscle relaxants.
jagdishmalik last decade
Dear Dr Kadwa,
I am writing to you after about six weeks. As advised I have taken Phophorus 200 twice daily for two days and stopped it. But this did not give any relief. From the remedy grid I noticed that Bryonia is also one of the medicines which is recommended for my symptoms. I took Bryonia 30 three times daily and it did give me good relief. I had also found relief with Rhus Tox earlier. So now I am taking Bryonia 30 thrice daily for three days followed by Rhus Tox 30 thrice daily for three days. I am repeating this cycle for the last two weeks and the results are good. All this while I am also taking Yograj Guggulu and Chandraprabha Vati one tab each twice daily. With this arrangement the pain has reduced. I now need your advice on the following:
1. Can I take both Bryonia and Rhus Tox together?
2. If yes, what is the best way? Preparing pills with both the medicines in the same vial or taking these separately?
3. Can I take these medicines either together or alternately, for a long period (months)?
I would appreciate for your early advice.
[message edited by jagdishmalik on Sun, 07 Oct 2012 06:13:35 BST]
jagdishmalik last decade
Yograj works better for elder people.
judimaria last decade

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