The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Need help my help of my 4 months baby for Cough
Hello all I am facing a great Problem with my small baby boy of 4 months 3 days old . He is having cough mucus stored in his throat . Unable to make it out anyhow . Even we try with suction pump . Unable to make the cough out . He is not drinking milk properly as it is strucking in the throat & I guess he is feeling some blockage there . I wish if anybody could suggest any Homoeopathy medicine for him . We will be ever grateful to you if you could help us from this Problem to come out. As he becoming Tired day by day due to lack of meal . I wish if you could suggest such some medicine which can help him to make his Cough & mucus out by Latrine as he is unable to seat even . Also if you could suggest the Potency in European standard like ch ,D etc.. could be a great help . Along with that dosage & how long to give . Please help us . GOD Bless you all .[message edited by britishidol on Mon, 17 Sep 2012 15:53:53 BST]
britishidol on 2012-09-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try Ipecac 30c (give one drop or pill as a dose) three times for 2 days. Post status in 2 days.
♡ maheeru last decade
Hello Maheeru thanks for your suggestion yes I will try to buy it and give. But i live in europe & Problem is to get exact Potency . Here the Potency are like ch,d . Do you have any idea what is equivalent for 30 C . It will be a great help . Again evergrateful to you .
britishidol last decade
You need to get Ipecac 30ch. Actually 30c and 30ch are the same.
♡ maheeru last decade
Hello Maheeru thanks lots . Also onething forgot to mention he have lots of loose cough which is giving some sound and he is unable to drink milk properly. Doctor alopathy said some broncal problem. He was having vaccine just 1 weeks ago . So is this medicine correct will i then try .
britishidol last decade
Give him sulphur 30c/30ch in the same manner as described(no need to give ipecac). Just start him on the medicine and report.
♡ maheeru last decade
Hello Maheeru I had Purchased the Sulphur 30 ch in Globules now how many Globules to give & will it help to make the cough out with latrine as the baby is very small unable to make it out by the mouth by itself as it is always lying.
britishidol last decade
Give him one globule of the medicine, two times per day for two days only. If with one or two doses-- there is a significant improvement, no need to give further doses.
Don't worry about how the phlegm will go away in a lying infant. The medicine stimulates the vital force and it has it's own way to resolve issues.
What you need to notice is how he does overall, mood, energy levels, and the symptoms you sought help for.
Don't worry about how the phlegm will go away in a lying infant. The medicine stimulates the vital force and it has it's own way to resolve issues.
What you need to notice is how he does overall, mood, energy levels, and the symptoms you sought help for.
♡ maheeru last decade
Hello maheeru thanks for your kind help yes Overall mood ,energy level is back again . But he is really feeling Problem with cough still as he unable to sleep properly as the breathing is some times blocked by the cough . As he is unable to take the milk by bottle as due to the breathing Problem.Could you suggest any medicine which can really help in this matter . another question the stool become hard is it for sulphur or just normal . Though we started hard meal like vegetable mesh . As he is not drinking so we try to give some mesh in the mouth by spoon .But please give some medicine that can really help for his breathing & cough .
britishidol last decade
Welcome. Please give him 2 more doses of sulph. 30c the same way as earlier.
Can you get 200ch or 200ck of this remedy in your place?
Hard meal could be one reason for hard stool. You might add fibre. But we'll have to wait and see if it's an effect from the current medicine. Keep a tab on this symptom.
Can you get 200ch or 200ck of this remedy in your place?
Hard meal could be one reason for hard stool. You might add fibre. But we'll have to wait and see if it's an effect from the current medicine. Keep a tab on this symptom.
♡ maheeru last decade
Thanks lots for your kind support . I will try to check in the drug store for 200CH Power or CK & let you know .
britishidol last decade
Hello Maheeru thanks for your co-operation . No here 200 Ch is not available . But the baby have still the cough but the mood is changed it is really better. Your Medicine really work . Thanks again & Best Regards for you & your family from us.
britishidol last decade
Welcome. It'd a lot of good for the baby if 200ch or ck or 200c could be got. Where are you located? Can you not get this from an online pharmacy? Homeopathyovernight, (U.S) and Helios uk are good resources apart from this website's online store. Please look into them.
[message edited by maheeru on Tue, 02 Oct 2012 12:46:50 BST]
Welcome. It'd a lot of good for the baby if 200ch or ck or 200c could be got. Where are you located? Can you not get this from an online pharmacy? Homeopathyovernight, (U.S) and Helios uk are good resources apart from this website's online store. Please look into them.
[message edited by maheeru on Tue, 02 Oct 2012 12:46:50 BST]
♡ maheeru last decade
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