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Nail Fungus



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Nail fungus

I had nail fungus for 2 years. I tried Graphites-200, the result was fantastic. The boil at the root of the nail vanished away in 7 days and my new nail started growing and within 4-5 months, the nail grew in full.My age is 73 years.
[message edited by dnbarola on Fri, 21 Sep 2012 03:32:49 BST]
  dnbarola on 2012-09-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thank you for sharing your success story in this forum. It may be beneficial, if you state, how many doses have you taken, how long did you had this problem, what is your age etc.

Thanks once again,

Reva V
Reva V last decade
I am 73. I had nail fungus for over a year. I took graphites 200 four pills thrice daily for 7 days and the boil at the root of the nail vanished away. Then I continued this treatment for over 4 months. Now my entire nail has grown and is healthy.Of course my Homeopathic Doctor helped me in this.
dnbarola last decade
Thank you again for replying back. For clarification, did you took, thrice a day, every day for 4 months? Did you also had a tendency to constipation.

Why did you take it for 4 months. Is it because, you want to continue till your nail regrow completely?

Once again appreciate your kindness in sharing your success story to benefit others.

Reva V
[message edited by Reva V on Fri, 21 Sep 2012 05:57:37 BST]
Reva V last decade
I had no constipation. I took the medicine for 4 months thrice a day. I continued the medicine till the nail grew in full. But you should also consult your Homoeopathic doctor, because, just possible there may be difference in your and mine symptoms.
dnbarola last decade
Awesome. Thank you for more details. You are too kind to share for the benefit of others.

Sure, I understand your concern.

Reva V
Reva V last decade

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