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Nail Fungus



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

nail fungus remedy

I have been reading about the use of graphites for toenail and fingernail fugus. Does anyone have any experience with using homeopathy to remedy such a problem? If so, what remedy did you use and what dosage? Thanks for the help.
  cleee02 on 2005-08-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I haven't received any response to my original post, and realized that I probably should have included more information. This is my first time posting, so I'm just getting the hang of it.

I have been trying to do some research of remedies for toe and fingernail fungus, but haven't found much. It is a chronic condition that I have had since I was a child (now in mid 20's)... thick nails... some nails are raised from nail bed. Some of the other symptoms that I am experiencing (not sure related or not) are listed below.

- acne on chin area
- easily aggravated temperament
- occasional canker sore on inside left cheek in mouth
- hair loss
- dry scalp/ dandruff
- heart flutter (last 5 days)
- added weight/unable to lose/lack of discipline to stick to healthy diet

Please let me know if you have any advice for me. I would really appreciate any words of wisdom that you might have. Thank you for your help.
cleee02 last decade
You haven't received any response because your post address those with exp. in treating nail fungus - and seems that nobody has (I do not!)

But I'd like to ask you some questions:

1.acne on your chin: moist?itching?painful?red?
cold or hot application help? any relation to anything?

2. canker sores: when? painful?

3. did you have that heart flutter checked by dr?

4. your favorite season-time of the day-weather?

5 do you like music?

6 your favorite food/drink? least favorite?
Astra2012 last decade
Thanks for the reply Astra. Here are the answers to your questions.

1. the chin area is oily, not itching... sometimes blemishes are painful and red. definitely seem to arise when getting close to menstruation.

2. canker sores are rare, and not painful.

3. I have had the heart flutter checked by a dr.. just last week they did an EKG and a slew of blood tests. They said that it can be a normal occurance even for someone with a perfectly healthy heart... but I don't see how that can be normal. waiting on blood test results.

4. Favorite season... hmmmm... I LOVE the changes of season... every time the season changes I think that that season is my favorite.. ha! I do love the wintertime though.

5. I love music. I am a musician myself and work in the music industry.

6. Favorite food: hmmm... asian foods, chinese, thai. Least favorite: cilantro and beef. Favorite drink: not sure I have one. Least favorite: dislike alcohol.
cleee02 last decade
1. when they are painful anything helps?
did it start at puberty?

4 time of the day?weather?

7. what angers you most about other people?

8.do you prefer any taste above others (sweet, sour, salty, bitter etc)?

9. do you have any problems with BM (like graphities are usually constipated)?

10. were you ok with vaccination?
Astra2012 last decade
11. do you have any allergies?
Astra2012 last decade
1. when they are painful I usually have to wait until they have healed or have started the healing process before the pain goes away. started getting acne on chin area around onset of puberty. antibiotics etc. only mildly helped. Use Murad Acne Complex to keep it under control.. much better now. only occassion big breakouts.

4. I like early crisp mornings in winter, w/ cold refreshing air. Spring, summer and fall mild weather... nice refreshing weather for being outside.

7. I think I get easily impatient with people. If they don't react quickly enough for me or repeatedly ask me the same stupid questions... it's definitely mostly being short-tempered. I feel that I need to start meditating again regularly to become more even.

8. I don't think I have distinct overlying tastes that I crave. I do enjoy sweets like ice cream and chocolate sometimes. It's rare that I would crave any of the other tastes.

9. for the most part BMs are regular... sometimes during travel I have issues with constipation, but not during normal schedule.... usually go once a day... although, a couple of weeks ago I had a series of days of diarrhea. Did a colon cleanse approx. 4 months ago.

10. I have had all of my childhood vaccinations and experienced no reactions from them. I am due for a tetnus shot in 2007... have not gotten a flu shot ever.
cleee02 last decade
oops... forgot to answer last question.

11. The only thing that I really seem to be 'allergic' to is alcohol... I am half asian and cannot tolerate alcohol very well... heart races, stomach pains, get very hot and red.
cleee02 last decade
Do you like going to the sea shore? Bathing in the sea water?

Have you ever had any warts, growths, skin tags etc?
Astra2012 last decade
I love the seashore!!! love being around the water... definitely prefer the ocean to a lake, but love being around water in general. It's one of my favorite places. I almost crave time at the ocean.

I have had warts... when I was younger I had a wart on my left ring finger (had it removed) and had a planters wart on my left big toe too. Haven't really had any warts in a long time though.. no other growths aside from that.
cleee02 last decade
Your repliees supprt both remedies that I have in mind for you- how can I pick one?

I think natrium muriaticum fits a bit better than thuja-but maybe you can read about them somewhere.
Have drinking bottle (not bigger than 750-1000 ml) filled in about 3/4 with water.
Drop in 3-4 globules (or drops) of nat-m 30c, shake well and sip- this is your dose. Sip 1-2 x a day (depending on how you feel)-before each sip succuse 10 times (pound the bottom of the bottle against your other palm).Any reaction- do not sip.

Do this at least 3 weeks.Post.
Astra2012 last decade
Thank you so much Astra... I do have a couple of questions. The easiest access I have to remedies is at Whole Foods where they carry the Boiron viles of pellets. I only have experience using these... I just want to clarify if I can use those or if you are suggesting I order a liquid form??? (not sure what globules are) Also, each time I take the dose are you telling me to sip all of the water? i.e. the whole 3/4 full bottle 1-2x per day.
cleee02 last decade
Globules or boiron's pellets (those small balls)-it's all the same. It is fine.I said drops in case you had liquid remedy.

dose=one sip (gulp)That bottle will be enough for several days-when there is little left just pour into the bottle some pure water and shake.

Since your heart flutter was the latest symptom it should be the first to be cured.
Astra2012 last decade
great thanks.... one more question. do you intend for me to make sure that the pellets are completely dissolved at first or do I just shake/succuss it 10x and sip?
cleee02 last decade
They will probably dissolve when you succuse 10x-just succuse.
Astra2012 last decade
thanks so much. I'll let you know the results in a couple of weeks.
cleee02 last decade

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