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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hypothyroidism and depression

i am female age 32. I got married at 15 and delivered a boy at 17. before 1.5 years , i lost my husband. i started gaing weight . Before one year i was 78 kg and now i am 89. i was diagnoised of hypothroidism and taking allopathic medicine Thyronorm for last 6 months. no results. I am also taking thyroidinum 6 for last 2 months. no result. I always feel lonely. living alone.depressed. mostly irritated. Feel getting some partner is more important. always feeling sleepy. Tired.a perfectionist in the office and house hold works.Thirst normal. Hunger normal.Life seems to be purposeless. suicidal tendencies some time.I need some medical help
  manoharanas on 2012-10-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
i read your history used this medicine, good result.

1- Pulsatilla 200c
20 drops in a sip of
water, before breakfast
daily...5 day,s.

2- Seapia 200c
20 drops in a sip of
water night time daily
...only 3 day,s

3- Fucux,ves. -Q
20 drops morning time,
20 drops evening time,
in a sip of water...
for 7 day,s.

after 15 day,s report me.

dr, badar baig
doctorbadar9 last decade
In case you are not that familiar with remedy

Seapia- is Sepia

Fucux.ves- is Fucus Vesiculosus ( which is
a very effective remedy for hypothyroidism)-
Q means mother tincture-that is what other
remedy potencies are made from.
simone717 last decade
Thank you sir, i will revert back after medication
manoharanas last decade

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