The ABC Homeopathy Forum
back pain
i currently have back pain and i have taken tablets and rubbed on creams but it keeps coming back.the pain is on the two muscles above the gluteus maximus, and it hurts when i bend down.
the only cause i can think of is work. i have to bend alot and reach down or possibly becasue i sit at a computer for a few hours per day and i dont think that the chair is very back supportive.
can someone give me any ideas of how to get rid of this pain, either tablets or a natural way. PLEASE HELP IF YOU READ THIS TOPIC!!!
thank you very much!
spowell on 2005-09-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have used 2 remedies Hypericum 200 and Rhus Tox 1M to help the pain that you describe. These remedies must be used in the wet dose which is made up as follows. Separate bottles must be made up and clearly labeled to prevent mixing them up.
Get two 500ml bottle of Spring Water from your nearest supermarket.
Pour out 100ml
Drop in 3 pellets or 1 drop of liquid remedies into each bottle withthe 400ml water
Cap the bottle tightly and succuss it 4-6 times by banging on your palm and look out for the air bubbles to fizzle up from the bottom.
Pour out 1 teaspoonful of the potentized remedy and sip each remedy once daily with Hypericum taken in the morning and the Rhus Tox taken at night.
Report response in a week or earlier if you find relief from the pain.
Get two 500ml bottle of Spring Water from your nearest supermarket.
Pour out 100ml
Drop in 3 pellets or 1 drop of liquid remedies into each bottle withthe 400ml water
Cap the bottle tightly and succuss it 4-6 times by banging on your palm and look out for the air bubbles to fizzle up from the bottom.
Pour out 1 teaspoonful of the potentized remedy and sip each remedy once daily with Hypericum taken in the morning and the Rhus Tox taken at night.
Report response in a week or earlier if you find relief from the pain.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
i am going to see the doctor in the next few days and see if he gives me any tablets. i will also report back with what he says.
if he gives me tablets and they dont work, i will buy your suggested items.
thank you for replying 'Joe De Livera'!!!!
if he gives me tablets and they dont work, i will buy your suggested items.
thank you for replying 'Joe De Livera'!!!!
spowell last decade
Hi - why not try these remedies before seeing your doctor - you may save yourself some days of pain!
erika last decade
It amazes me how people who post on this forum do so when they discover that drugs have failed them.
In this case where I have gone to a lot of effort to prescribe what I feel confident is the ultimate remedy, the patient decides to visit a doctor to get his blessings for a drug that will obviously be an analgesic which will only deaden the pain but can cause other perhaps major problems.
It is just the fact that I feel that I can help people who deserve this help with Homeopathy that I try to help on this forum but types like this patient do not deserve any further attention from me.
In this case where I have gone to a lot of effort to prescribe what I feel confident is the ultimate remedy, the patient decides to visit a doctor to get his blessings for a drug that will obviously be an analgesic which will only deaden the pain but can cause other perhaps major problems.
It is just the fact that I feel that I can help people who deserve this help with Homeopathy that I try to help on this forum but types like this patient do not deserve any further attention from me.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
ok chill out!
i like to get more than one persons point of view you know, because i think a doctor knows the correct remedies, dont you?
i like to get more than one persons point of view you know, because i think a doctor knows the correct remedies, dont you?
spowell last decade
ok - it is good to get several opinions. But if you say the doctor knows the correct remedies then is there a chance you would accept that other therapists might also know correct remedies - or would the doctor be the winner?
Just curious!? :)
Just curious!? :)
erika last decade
Hi, there pain in the back. I know you will think I am nuts but I have had serious back and sciatic problems for years but I no longer! Each morning, every morning I tage 400mg of Vitamine E and 1000 gel cap of Salmon Oil and voila! Try this natural remedy for a week and see if you note a change in the pain! If I fail to take these in the moring, I begin to feel a tinge of sciatica coming on......I hope you will try this, the anti-oxidents in these two capsules seem to clean things up, good luck...
MARCUSEASY last decade
Your problem is probably due to wrong posture while on the computer and not frequent bending during your work. I am telling this from my own experience. Frequent bending will exercise your muscles, they will become stronger to adapt themselves to the work unless, of course, it is too much for your physique. Have you stopped the computer work for a few days to isolate the factor hurting you? The permanent solution then will be correct posture at the computer. But to get over the pain when you havegot it, the prescription of Joe de Livera is good and cheap.
Joe de Livera is the type of a doctor who spends his own money and time to give free prescription.
An American prisioner of war, during second World war, has stated that the Japanese used to make them work for about 12 hours a day( loading/un-loading heavy packages to/from ships and give them only 2 bowls of rice in a day with some soup. All the fellow prisioners were moving skeletions, were suffering from Berry-Berry due lack of vitamins BUT NOT ONE EVER SUFFERED FROM BACK ACHE. Book: Goodbye Back Ache.
Your problem is probably due to wrong posture while on the computer and not frequent bending during your work. I am telling this from my own experience. Frequent bending will exercise your muscles, they will become stronger to adapt themselves to the work unless, of course, it is too much for your physique. Have you stopped the computer work for a few days to isolate the factor hurting you? The permanent solution then will be correct posture at the computer. But to get over the pain when you havegot it, the prescription of Joe de Livera is good and cheap.
Joe de Livera is the type of a doctor who spends his own money and time to give free prescription.
An American prisioner of war, during second World war, has stated that the Japanese used to make them work for about 12 hours a day( loading/un-loading heavy packages to/from ships and give them only 2 bowls of rice in a day with some soup. All the fellow prisioners were moving skeletions, were suffering from Berry-Berry due lack of vitamins BUT NOT ONE EVER SUFFERED FROM BACK ACHE. Book: Goodbye Back Ache.
sahai last decade
Ref. last but one line of my last posting.
Sorry, I did not read the text after dictation and hence the spelling mistake of the disease beri-beri could not be corrected.
Sorry, I did not read the text after dictation and hence the spelling mistake of the disease beri-beri could not be corrected.
sahai last decade
I feel compelled to say that after reading all of this thread,it sounds very much like treating the syptoms and not the cause. Which is exactly what i did for months with a particular back complaint.
I have since seen a professionally qualified pilates instructor for one on one training and have the ability to control my posture and avoid casuing pain in the first place.
I can honestly say that the benefits far outweigh the costs! If you have back pain, even from an injury or lifetime complaint, this is worth considering. I don't doubt the validity of remedies, they are often taken in tandem with treatment but look after your back and it will look after you.
I have since seen a professionally qualified pilates instructor for one on one training and have the ability to control my posture and avoid casuing pain in the first place.
I can honestly say that the benefits far outweigh the costs! If you have back pain, even from an injury or lifetime complaint, this is worth considering. I don't doubt the validity of remedies, they are often taken in tandem with treatment but look after your back and it will look after you.
gabrielh last decade
A Chiropractors' goal is to address your back, neck and shoulder pain....thus returning you to an active, healthy lifestyle. If you have pain, our Lawrenceville Chiropractic Care, Physical Therapy and Medical Clinic all work together to properly guide you on the road to recovery. With highly qualified Doctor's of Chiropractic as well as Medical Doctors, we provide you with some of the most comprehensive Medical or Chiropractor care under one roof. We place emphasis on quality care. A Lawrenceville Chiropractic Care Center that can help you obtain relief.
Chiropractor Lawrenceville GA
Chiropractor Lawrenceville GA
Deniel last decade
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