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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Osteoporosis remedy, how my mother regrew the bone in her failed hip implant

My mothers story is interesting. SHe is 96 and had a hip implant in 1985. the implant in those days was supposed to last ten years, then be replaced. because they would fail due to bone resorbtion. Right at the ten year mark the bone had resorbed away from the implant and she was getting crippled, needed a wheelchair if she had to walk any distance, it needed replacement. We started treating it with a natural method I discovered that appears to work by stimulating osteoblast activity. she started to improve almost immediately.

In two months her hip was perfect and she was playing golf and needed no replacement. She kept up the therapy, switching to a similar natural therapy based on the same principle but was even stronger in effect. It was to duplicate one of the hand positions the fetus adopts in the womb which over millions of years has evolved into a gene for overall thriving, growing, healing, helping the fetus to grow and survive. All off these common positions work, I found, but this one was the easiest to do 24 hours a day. One thing the fetus does is to explore his ear. with his finger and this can be duplicated I found by gently tapping a piece a cotton ball into the ear the size of a small marble, , until it stops going in any further, so is touching the inner wall where ear plug for noise goes, next to the ear canal. That must be where the fetus placed his finger in his ear most often . It must be touching that innermost wall in order to work , I found. She mostly just used it at night during sleep when I had read 90 percent of all bone growth occurred.

. Her hip remained fine until 2004 I think it was, when it deteriorated again, the bone had resorbed again, and she said she was again very crippled. I couldnt understand what had gone wrong.

Then I heard on the radio that cotton farmers had switched to genetically modified cotton and a Professor at the University of Arizona told me that every cotton ball then would have some GMO cotton it it. He said it had a fish gene in it. Bingo, it was no longer fooling the body into thinking it was a finger. We switched to organic cotton balls , we bought Oraganic Essentials which are available at Health Food markets, CVS Pharmacy or on line, and her hip bone regrew again and she has been fine through today., the 28the year since her implant that was supposed to last 10 years.

We also tried this therapy for other things and found it doesnt work if one is too near electronic equipment , including cell or mobile phone so she put those a few feet from where she slept, and made sure her tv, radio, (computer equipment) were off in her bedroom during her sleep. It doesnt work if one has a hearing aid in the other ear so she always made sure she took her hearing aids out during sleep. It works less well if one is taking immune suppressing drugs. She took only blood pressure medicine. I found that smoking makes it work considerably less well.

We found that the organic cotton ball piece had to be substantial enough to mimic the mild pressure of touching that inner wall with ones finger, so definitely larger than a pea, close to but slightly less size when rolled into a ball as a marble. We didnt want it so big as to be uncomfortable,or couldnt be placed all the way in to touch the inner wall. She slept on her back so she didnt roll over on that ear in the night and cause the cotton ball piece to work itself away from touching the inner ear and if she woke up in the night, she would check it to make sure it was in all the way .One last thing I found was that having nylon on, especially over the area that was the target of treatment , reduces the effect, and so I had sent her some night gowns made from organic cotton, and she didnt wear nylon underwear. and she didnt use nylon sheets

I ihaive found that a similar overall healing effect can be achieved by placing one or both hands upper chest high,which the fetus most often does, and holding the hand or hands reasonably still with nothing held in the hand, or if lying down on the back, by resting one or both hands on the upper chest but its necessary I found to curl the fingers into a loose fist so that the entire open palm doesnt rest on the chest. which reduces the effect. I didnt want the covers to touch my hand either ,I was trying to as xlosely as possible recreate the fetal hand position. I also had to train myself not to move my hand away from there during the night.

I should add that I have found that this therapy seemingly improves all functions of the body and one of those things is circulation, and I proved to myself that therefore it increases the effect of any drug one takes by a small amount, but although that may be a problem it would be less of one since she was only using the cotton less than a third of her day.

So thats her story.

Steve Lord, Santa Barbara, California
  stevelord on 2013-03-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Glad your Mom is going strong and has an open mind! thanks for the story. I had tried the
fetal hands thing several times but nothing happened. Going to try
the organic cotton ball thing and see what goes on.
simone717 last decade
Hi SImone, can you tell me what you were treating with the fetal hand p osition and what exactly you did, where did you put your hand, how long, and do you somoke or take immune suppressing pharmaceuticals and did you remember to do it not in the presence of your electronic gizmos, like computer equipment, tv, cell or mobile phone, those are the things that make it not work . Would appreciate that very much so as to add to my aoby of knowlege about this. Thanks Steve Lord
stevelord last decade
I have seen your post on this several times. I was not treating
anything or near electronics-I just tried to do exactly what you
said, to see if I felt anything different or felt more
peaceful, but I did not feel anything.I also tried it again, when
I had a slight cold and did it for an hour and did not feel
anything. I don't take any drugs and I followed the directions
exactly. I am very sensitive so I thought I would notice something.
simone717 last decade
Hmmm, thanks Simone, hard to say. Some colds did take two hours . Also what position did you put your hand in, and do you live in an apartment in which the adjoining apartment top botton or side may have had a flat screened tv on within seventeen feet of you at that time? Until I learned to block it that nailed me/. Are you sure you werent carrying a cell phone in the pocket or have something in your ear like a hearing aid etcor wear a pacemaker , or live with a power line along street witin ten yards of your body or one of those big transformer towers nearby and did you keep your hand reasonably still and nothing in your hand, those are some things that interfere, and you dont smoke, right, but it may have been just a matter of it may have taken 2 hours ,rather than one , in some it did, especially the sniffle part of the cold to be elilninated because tht remains sometimes after the cold virus has stopped replicating because it can be a result of the immune system attacking the dead viral particles , I have read. Thanks for examining all these things for me so I can see if this was a good test except for the time element. For osteoporosis, you will notice that the if the treatment is when sleeping ,that would solve the possible electronics problem.

As far as feeling a calm another person said they didnt sense either but another one said they did notice , since I wrote it here. Its subtle though and best noticed if you treat for a half minute, then dont treat back and forth a few times and then you might pick it up. It is also stronger for all uses if you take your watch and rings off I might add. But calming isnt its strong point compared to just staring at any part of your body such as a small spot on your knuckle which six people told me eliminated their panic attack in a couple of minutes and can be done in the presence of electronics.

Thanks Steve Lord

Thanks Steve
stevelord last decade
I live in a house-I followed the directions-there was
not really anything wrong with me so that is probably it.
simone717 last decade
Simione perfect, next time you get a cold, you could try it for as long as it takes to cure it with the way described or the ORGANIC cotton the way described and let me know how long it takes to cure the cold, it would extraordinary if it took more than 2 hours.
stevelord last decade
Organic cotton..how much does it cost?

gavinimurthy last decade
Murthy, 3 dollars for like 100 of them. You can use the same one for a few days. Let me know if there is anything you dont understand.

stevelord last decade
I might add that its ok to be like five feet from a non flat screened tc, witih all parts or your body, incliding feet.
stevelord last decade
Note its stronger if you take your watch and rings off if you can.

stevelord last decade
Simone and ladies, ever notice what a woman will do most often when confronted by an exptremely disturbing piece of news? She will place her hand over hem mouth. Why is that her instinct? It must cause some relief, some calming and antianxiety effect. Which many people have reported to me. , I can tell the difference within five seonds. If you pay close attention dring the first ten seconds you may be able to feel the difference the second it occurs. by placing your hand next to your chin, Dont touch your face or anything with the hand.

Steve Lord

[message edited by stevelord on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 21:46:36 GMT]
[message edited by stevelord on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 11:47:54 GMT]
stevelord last decade
Simone,two more people ,yesterday and a week ago I now remember,tried the fetal hand position who were both jiggling their leg the way people do when they are feeing jangled, nervous or out of sorts, and one guy said he felt better and the guy today stopped jiggling his leg and said he felt a lot better, calmer.Try it again if you like for that.

[message edited by stevelord on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 11:52:35 GMT]
stevelord last decade
I believe this method will regrow the bone to normal in virtually every person with osteoporosis or osteopenia in the world. Is anyone trying it?

STeve Lord
[message edited by stevelord on Wed, 08 May 2013 04:54:47 BST]
stevelord last decade
Did anyone try this
stevelord last decade

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