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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


My mother aged 53 years and having menopause is diagnosed with osteoporosis as per the recent reports. Her weight is 58 kg. She does not have any thyroid or diabetes problem. Diagnostic test for bone density was conducted and values were in the range of -2.5 to -3.5 . Local Allopathy doctor suggested Prolia injection along with certain allopathy medicines. As per the findings there are many side effects of the injection. Doctor said bones are weak and fracture prone.

Please suggest if homeopathy is effective in treating osteoporosis as since last 30 years she is only taking homeopathic medicine and can't take high dosage allopathy medicine due to its side effects.

She is taking symphytum Q since last 4 months.
  renukar06 on 2018-08-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

anuj srivastava 6 years ago
Ok , I will give her calc phos 6X and report after 2 weeks
renukar06 6 years ago

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