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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Osteoporosis – the thyroid and parathyroid.

I probably sound like a gramophone record , on which the needle has stuck, but at the risk of boring I will repeat.
The major problem with osteoporosis is the administration of antibiotics.

Antibiotics kill the flora and fauna that we take on board as babies . These help us to absorb/digest calcium.

When the blood is low on calcium [ which can be fatal] the thyroid sends out a hormonal message to the lining of the GIT , to take on more calcium from the passing contents of the gut.

If the flora and fauna are out of balance on the lining of the gut ,[ due to the action of antibiotics ] then the body resorts to its “larder” --- The Skeleton , and withdraws whatever it needs . The eventual result of this is osteoporosis.

A fascinating “check and balance “ sidelight to this process is that the parathyroid sends out a hormonal messenger saying ‘ don’t take too much’ calcium from the skeleton.

After all I am sure that most people would rather have osteoporosis than a heart cramp that killed them.
  passkey on 2005-05-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
at least now doctors are handing out antibiotics less than before and are becoming aware of the dangers of frequent prescribing, however, unfortunately they haven't yet realised the nutritional consequences that you describe here!
erika last decade
Erika , thanks -- part of homeopathy is about absorbtion !.

Very few people seem to appreciate this .

3x calc carb helps absorb calcium

3x ferrum helps absorb iron

etc etc.
passkey last decade
It's the LOW potencies that help in this area.
passkey last decade
Sorry to disillusion all but at age of 62 and having always stayed well clear of Antibiotics plus eaten only a fresh food , salads,cheese, milk etc diet a bone scan shows i have Osteopeania

I am very active do not drink or smoke

There must be something else at play here

suggestions for what i can do to reverse this problem PDQ
tinsel last decade
paradoxically, milk could be part of your problem. if you are drinking pasteurized milk, it results in a net loss of calcium to your body. To worsen matters, if your digestion is weak, you are unable to fully break down and assimilate natural calcium that may be in your food, resulting in a net loss. also, you may want to avoid coffee and other very acidic foods.

john34 last decade
If you’re looking for a supplement to assist in bone health, consider VitaNat Natural Natto Vitamin K2. This takes natto, the Japanese superfood known for being nature’s richest source of Vitamin K, and puts it into capsules. No extracts, no vitamin supplements, just Natto blended to a standard strength of Vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 is recognised for its role in maintaining good bone health.
VitaNat last decade
I am 42 Yrs old.I am facing pain in my left knee joint since last one year. I feel pain in walking and sensation of pain when sitting on chair but in sleeping i don,t feel any pain. I don,t have any inflamation on knee. I have gone throug MRI and they have given in report early degenrative chenges started. Doctor is saying that this is osteoporis problem. In blood testing,everything is normal. I ahve taken many allepathic and ayurvedic medicine but no relief. Pls suggest homeopathic medicine.
harkush last decade

Please copy the Questionnaire from the following thread
and post all the questions here duly answered. On that basis your remedy may be worked out.
kadwa last decade

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