The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Thinning Hair / Hair Loss
Hi,I was looking for some advice as to my condition.
To give some background, I am a male, 34 years old & I do have some hair loss run in the family (mainly on my father's side, my mother's side has more thinning instead of loss) but at my current age, my father had lost all his hair, I still have it all over, but it is thin in some places more than others & there has been prior receeding.
My loss started in my mid 20's after extreme stress, bad sleep habits, poor diet.
After correcting my diet/habits & generally looking after my body/stress levels better, my condition stabilised.
I should add that at the height of my loss (in the temples & thinning mainly at the back right of the head), I had taken finasteride at a doctor's suggestion & had transplant surgery. i stopped the finasteride around 3-4 years ago now.
Since that time I have tried chinese medicine/acupuncture (the acupuncture appeared to create new growth in places that is still there today), herbal medicine (saw palmetto) & various supplements to increase thickness/density & regrow in areas.
I should mention that due to a bad relationship, I was under extreme emotional stress for around 5 years. My energy levels reached a point where they were extremely poor & I got not satisfaction from things I used to enjoy. A year ago, the relationship ended & I was put under even more intense emotional stress. During this time, my condition slowly got worse - while not having hair come out in handfuls, it had certainly appeared to me to thin further/become much more brittle/weak.
I then decided to try homeopathy, but I did not consult anyone.
I had been taking Lycopodium 200c along with Carbo Veg 200c & Selenium 200c 3 times a day (6 pellets), but after reading on this site that a dosage that high (& mixing remedies) is not always good, I have stopped using them again.
- 34, male
- thinning concentrated in crown/back, temples & general thin density all over (while not extreme, noticeable to me)
- hair weak, falls easily, odd sensation at times in an area where a hair may fall (best way to describe, slightly itchy maybe)
- poor energy
- brain fog
- great concern as to loss
- hopeful in regrowth (particularly as i have said, i have maintained an amount all over that my father did not have by my age)
- vegetarian diet
- taking following supplements & no medications: biotin, saw palmetto, chrysin (in the last week or 2), milk thistle (to help with liver function, chinese herbal pills for hair), multivitamin, etc)
- exercise regularly (3-4x a week)
- i had been told my blood pressure is fine, but very close to being slightly low
any help/suggestions would be much appreciated. i was thinking of trying wiesbaden, phosphorus or arnica after reading they are beneficial for hair loss/regrowth.
thanks :-)
Greaterstone on 2013-12-12
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