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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic Headache

Kindly advise.

My wife is 38 Years of age.She suffers from headache very frequently.Headache is of dull type.She records low B.P.. She has leucorrehea while sitting. Disharge is thick whitish.
She get very angry on children. She even beats them up.She is very sentimental.She desires company.She feels some to be in room where as actually no body is there.
She likes to do things in a hurry.She has to go for urination very frequently.She is not having sugar.Her thyroid report is also normal. She suffers suddenly and by seeing her face one could find out that she is not well.Her face becomes yellowish.She gets relief by getting her legs & head pressed.When she is kay she cannot get her head touched.
Her hair are very sensitive.She loves to do new things.She likes salty food.
  jasmer on 2005-11-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Your wife needs Pulatilla 30c,5 drops in a little water thrice daily.I hope shee will get well soon.
sajjadakram635 last decade
any more advices please
jasmer last decade
the one and only remedy for your wife is "CALC CARB 30" 3 doses only, after an interval of 1 hour between each dose.
after this stop medication. and wait for the progress, and also inform me.
drsajid last decade
Thanks Dr Sajid
I gave my wife calc carb 30 three doses with one hour interval but I am sorry to say that there is no relief.
Kindly reply.
jasmer last decade
Dear Drs
Anybody else has time to reply????
jasmer last decade
CALC CARB, was prescribed carefully,
rare symptoms are very helpful to select the best remedy in homeopathy,
if your wife has leucorrehea only while sitting, then give her ANTUM TART 30, thrice a day for at least 3 days,
but if this is not a particular
situation then now give her PULSATILLA 30, thrice a day for 3 days, and report back.
drsajid last decade
Dear Jasmer,- read carefully

First you think . this is chronic case no any doctor will give you a good curative prescription in a one minute . Please stop all the medicine. First you complete the following symptoms.

Your uncompleted symptoms are

1. age 38 , female
2. Leucorrhoea , while sitting
3. Mind sentimental
4. Desires company
5. delusion some body in a room
6. hurry
7. urination involuntary
8. pressure amelioration
9. desire salt foods
10. head pain in which side is not mentioned i.e. vertex, or temporal
11. When the headache is increases or decreases not mentioned.

Please submit your complain in this following format

1. Age
2. Sex
3. country
4. climate
5. current complain-from how many days-
6. current medicine you are taking
7. sign & Symptom of disease
8. Slight back history
9. family back ground
10. qualification of patient
11. Nature of working
12. desire and aversion of food
13. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatientÂ…and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behaviour,love and affection. If any secret thing or can not want to discus at forum then you can share your talk directly to email by clicking on your any forum doctor. For a good prescription mental detail is must be.
14. Aggravation(increases) & Amelioration(relieved, or decreases)

Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
deoshlok last decade
dear dr sharma,
you are quite right, that it is difficult to select the medicine without having enough symptoms, especially the mind symptoms, but this is not a rule, many doctors do not obey this rule, CAUSATION, and MODALITIES are also very important to select the remedy, what says your post given below,
here i think no mind symptom is present, and you you did prescription,
mind symptoms are important but only if they are very prominent.
though, you are senior to me,
i may be wrong.
drsajid last decade
dear dr. sajid,
do not be regid. in this subject does not mean sinior junior homoeopathic is having on principle.. You have prescribel the calc carb patient complain this is not working. you have change 2 or 3 prescription ia a day (This is not duty of classical and good Homoeopath )- On thing I want to tell you rapid change of prescription is failure of disease. I do not want to discuss more in forum send me personal email.

Please look the follwoing sentence.

How to recognize the Calc Carb Patient

Before going to prescribe the calc carb see the following mental symptom is there or not if not calc carb will not work at all even all the symptoms favour to calc carb.
Mental symptoms are
1. Anxiety, future about
2. Fear , poverty of
3. Greed , cupidity
4. Avarice
5. Passion, money making for

This patient says “ Dr. today you give me medicine for pain. For the actual sickness I will come to you later on. Why he says like this?
Because in his mind he has a strong fear of poverty. He puts his health of stake. In his mind he has a strong mania created by fear of poverty and fear of starvation. This mani is industrial , mania for work.
deoshlok last decade

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