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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

urinary problem

age 32female
weatish complexion 5.1 height
mense regular on time always but from last yrs bit scanty very 3 to 4 day only
no any illness

had masals stiffness last many yrs ,, arm calf masales back masalas , hand (which cause my breast deshape ,, reduction in breast size with aging :( )and legs stiffness .

for that i consulted a local homeopath after giving number of medicine he give me caulophyllum 200 around one week.

after taking this medicine , i feel prolapse of my uterus..my vagina lips are loose, saggy and cervix is out and urinary in-continues. even dont have ANY TYPE OF SEX UPTILL NOW IN MY LIFE . i m not able to keep my urine more than 30 min.
even from last two month i never go out of home . becoz i m so scared that eventually i had to go to wash room than wat can i do . from last week i have taken Murex 200 three dose in one wk , and than Sepia 200 three dose in this week last dose today , all med with gap of one day .. is improve my condition a bit but after some-days my condition return to previous one.. and one of imp symptom that during one visit to washroom once urinating washing handing hand than again i had go again , ..

this problem give some much bad effect on my life , i m not able to move around if i had to go out i used to spent 30 to 40 min in bathroom ,, again and again ,, becoz make it sure i dnot have a single drop in my body .. i m in terrible condition ...

but at home condition are better ,, becz i m not stressed that not to have availability of washroom ,,,drinking of water is noramal before this problem
but now only 2 to 3 glasses per-day ,not other type of drink just one cup of tea per day ...

plz dr help me i want to rectify my problem and increase the time span of urinating ..
  mariajjj on 2014-05-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please consult any gynecologist and get properly investigated.

I do not believe these things are due to Caulophyllum.

How is your thirst and appetite?.

Is there any burning in urination.

What is your occupation?.
Usehomeopathy last decade
thirst is ok nothing problem and appetite is normal

Is there any burning in urination.
no not at all

i m visiting lecturer and freelancer writer
mariajjj last decade
Do you have blood sugar test and routine kidney function test and if not then go for these thing first please.
Usehomeopathy last decade

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