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cannot resolve miasm issues, constitutional questions Page 2 of 5

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
OK thanks so much!
brook29 last decade
Hi Homeo, I feel I may have a bit of a bladder infection dont know if its related to the remedy. Is it bad to take a bladder drainage remedy that is just bladder 12x. Is this ok to take to stop burning?
brook29 last decade
no dnt take anything at this movement, your issues are very chronic and any remedy in between will disturb body's healing vital force.
homeo.mzp last decade
Hi Homeo,
It's nearing the 15th day and I'm wondering if you have an idea of the next step. I have access to homeopathic phatmacies where I am right now, but will be on location for work in another town by next week so It would be more difficult to get remedies there. Please let me know if there is anything I should purchase now as it would be more convenient and cheaper to do in person.
brook29 last decade
ok then fill up this with present situation,

Improvement analysis
[write better, same, worse]

1- swollen face=
2- swollen around eyes=
3- confidence and energy level=
4- love and affection with others=
5- sleep=
6- fatigue=
7- freshness on waking up=
8- urinating excessively=
9- constipation=
10- back ache=
11- acne=
12- hunger control=

homeo.mzp last decade
Improvement analysis
[write better, same, worse]

1- swollen face=
2- swollen around eyes=
3- confidence and energy level=
4- love and affection with others=
5- sleep=
6- fatigue=
7- freshness on waking up=
8- urinating excessively=
9- constipation=
10- back ache=
11- acne=
better (switched sides, now on right)

12- hunger control=
worse, sugar crashes

brook29 last decade
dont do anything just keep it going bcoz it seems that the aggravation that the remedy started is subsiding and then the curative process will start slowly,

you should keep patience bcoz you have very chronic and multiple issues that will take long time,

so no other remedies in between just keep your daily routine on way, monitor improvement till further 15 days then report.

homeo.mzp last decade
Hi homeo,
I had a panick attack and had to take some homeopathic seratonin 12x.
Please understand that with no improvement I had to do something. I live alone and feel tired irritable face is swollen and gaining weight since taking the lachesis.
I will try to stay patient but this seems hopeless.
And now the seratonin has not worked. I feel very guilty for doing this but really need some psitive changes.
brook29 last decade
I quickly brushed my teeth afterwards hoping to antidote it as it seemed to make me even sadder.
Will I have to retake the Lachesis and start over? What am I to do?
I have faith inhomeopathy but it is all taking too long to releive my facial swelling.
brook29 last decade
Also, My sadness is related to thyroid I know this because I'm exuberant and happy on calc carb, except calc carb causes me other new symptoms like asthma. Can this knowledge be used towards my case. The fact that calc carb helps so dramatically. Is there something other than calc carb that makes someone feel better about how they look, take away swelling of face, evens skin, relaxes mind, etc.?
brook29 last decade
ok then stop every remedy,

and take SEPIA OFFICINALIS 200c liquid, 2 drops in a tablespoon water, only 2 dose not more than that, not daily, 1st dose before sleep and next dose next morning after wakeup,

dnt eat or drink anything 30 minutes before or after medicine,

{if buying pills then 3 pills as one dose, 2 times, 1st at night and 2nd after wakeup, chew it, dnt swallow with water}

report how you felt after 20 days of stopping the course.

homeo.mzp last decade
I'm worse in heat and warmth. I was told by my previous homeopath that although I'm hypothyroid Sepia wasn't good due to my acute reactions to heat.
But you think this will be Ok?
brook29 last decade
yes take on sepia it works best for hormonal issues as in your case.
homeo.mzp last decade
OK thank you for the patience.
brook29 last decade
Hi Homeo,
I'm getting insomnia from the first dose. I'm awake at 3AM and very very hungry. Should I still take 2nd dose in morning?
brook29 last decade
yes take another dose, dnt be afraid.
homeo.mzp last decade
OK will do that. Thanks.
brook29 last decade
I'm trying to reduce the pus and scarring from acne. I'm using lavender essential oil and although it's not peppermint or camphorous I was concerned it might be a problem.

Also, is it common to get rashes or tiny patches of hives on tops of feet and hands from sepia? Also I developed a pretty painful cyst like nodule just in front of my left ear. Can this also be related to the sepia?
brook29 last decade
yes you can use lavender oil,
no these issues are not from speia,

how was your sleep and mental freshness ?
homeo.mzp last decade
My sleep is deep but I wake up too early and cannot go back to sleep without eating something.
And my skin looks very tired and worn with very dark circles under eyes. The skin looks dirty and pores are enlarged. Pale washed out with dark purple around eyes.
Mood is better but skin appearance causes depression again.
Unsure what to avoid eating to prevent skin breakouts. Fresh fruit and Healthy foods cause thing to worsen. Promote pus formation and fluid buildup in skin on forehead and cheeks.
brook29 last decade
1) monitor your internal changes first, dnt get depressed with your physical symptoms.

2) chronic problems take time to resolve, no magic can be done in 15 days.

3) after 20 days are over i will examine your case, till then FORGET everything and be calm take REST.

homeo.mzp last decade
Hi Homeo,
I went home for the holiday and my cousin who suffers from psoriasis said that that is what's on my face, as opposed to acne. She has it herself has cured it, and wanted me to tell you that it looks far more like autoimmune psoriasis than acne.

My mood has really improved though since taking the Sepia.
brook29 last decade
everthing will improve just patience is required, dnt worry SEPIA works effectively on psoriasis also.
homeo.mzp last decade
Hi Homeo,
I've come down with a sore throat and respiratory congestion with bidy aches and fatigue. Is this just a coincedence or an aggravation of some sort. I don't normally feel acute illness, get sore throats or cough.
brook29 last decade
i think it to be general issue only, how is your depressive and sadness state of mind.
homeo.mzp last decade
I think all mental improvements have platued. I feel better than I did on Lachesis, however my eating disorder issues have begun to increase. Fear of food, body dismorphic disorder. My skin seems to react to everything I eat which adds to paranoia. But the eating disorder axiety has definately increased. And sleep is full of dreams an not good. Toss and turn, can't get comfortable and don't feel rested.
brook29 last decade

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