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cannot resolve miasm issues, constitutional questions Page 3 of 5

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I think all mental improvements have platued. I feel better than I did on Lachesis, however my eating disorder issues have begun to increase. Fear of food, body dismorphic disorder. My skin seems to react to everything I eat which adds to paranoia. But the eating disorder axiety has definately increased. And sleep is full of dreams an not good. Toss and turn, can't get comfortable and don't feel rested.
brook29 last decade
Oh and I don't know if this is a general issue or not but my hip joints are in excrutiating pain.
brook29 last decade
click on my username visit my website to do TONGUE DIAGNOSIS for 3 days early morning after wakeup then report,

normal white colour and normal taste is ok.
homeo.mzp last decade
Hi homeo,
I have a very bad lu with chest congestion and nausea and body aches. Should I wait till I feel better to do tongue diagnosis?
brook29 last decade
ohh.. then wait for a week.
homeo.mzp last decade
Hi Homeo,
Do you feel that this flu will effect the Sepia I took?

I'm noticing that since haveing the virus and eating very little my skin texture and complection has improved greatly. I don't know what this means but my skin pores are tight, my skin isn't blotchy and my cheeks aren't as puffy.
brook29 last decade
it seems sepia has started working on your physical conditions also, keep waiting till a week and you will see more improvement.
homeo.mzp last decade
Hi Homeo,
I unfortunately had to resort to taking Zicam in order to go back to work. I was not recovering. It is homeopathic in low potency, 6x and under I think. will I need to take Sepia again to start over?
brook29 last decade
Also,I notice that once I got sick the pustule rash over my chest and breast bone got very pronounced.
brook29 last decade
yes sepia seems to be curing you so will be continued, but i will tell after week, let us see how much it works.
homeo.mzp last decade
OK so the homeopathic Itook for the flu won't interfere with sepia?
brook29 last decade
it should not, but no further doses.

[message edited by homeo.mzp on Wed, 31 Dec 2014 03:45:56 GMT]
homeo.mzp last decade
Hi ,sorry for all the questions. I developed a new breakout on face today after a previous improvement and may have been a reaction to the flu homeopathic.
The improvements I felt are now going away I fear. I should not have taken another homeopathic but I was desperate for releif.
My breasts are very tender and painful. I am also not able to sleep now because the flu has messed up my sleep patterns.
When I take the Sepia again will it be the same potency?
brook29 last decade
yes take it again same potency one single dose early morning, not daily
homeo.mzp last decade
Hi Homeo,
I have noticed simce eating more, same food just more that my skin i provements may have been related to the little amount I was eating. My skin always looks better when I fast or eat very little. The complection evens, pores tighten and odd vertical cracking of skin on forehead goes away. Now that I am eating more normally since the flu, the texture is deteriorating again.
I thought sepia had been causing the improvement but now I think not. I took another dose of sepia yesterday morning and the skin symptoms and facial puffines returned this morning.
brook29 last decade
wait for 10 days
homeo.mzp last decade
OK, yes my parents were as distraught as I was about the skin issues over the holiday. They see how upset it gets me and how depressing it is.
They say that i need to do something topically like Proactive before I get bad scarring. So I don't know what to do. It's hormonal cystic acne on my temple left side and then on both my cheeks and right temple and forehead its pustule acne that comes from block hair follicles. So hopefully the sepia will balance things. But now my parents understand e severity of the case.
brook29 last decade
Hi Brook,

I am following your case for learning. I was wondering
if you have had a CBC ( complete blood count) in the last
year, and also a Liver panel blood count.

The skin is ruled by the liver in Chinese medicine. Seeing
that your skin clears up when you do not eat much and
thus the liver is not having to process much is a clue to
the skin problems.


simone717 last decade
i have also followed the case with interest and the following points have come to my mind :
1.thyroid problem>iodine
2.worse heat/better cold>iodine
3.better walking/walks briskly>iodine
4.frequently hungry and thirsty>iodine
5.burning pain right side of scapula radiating to base of scapula>lyco

lyco and iodine are complementary and there is the history of allopathic doses of iodine causing discomfort. right now i would say iodine is needed.
telescope last decade
Hi yes, I understand. No I haven't had a blood panel in a long time. I can get it after the 20th of this month but will be on a job until then. There are always consistencies though which I can elaborate on.
Will you and Homeo be working with eachother or how does this work.
I have a pronounced reaction to all iodine whether from seaweed, supplement, etc. when taken orally. It does cause facial swelling and many of my symptoms. I was also told at one point that homeopathic iodine is helpful in eating disorders, worries about food. Very interesting. My only concern is the fact that I'm not wasting or really thin which seems to be the marked indicator for iodine.
And the liver is definately weak on me. my skn is horribly influenced by everything I take in regardless of how clean or healthy.
brook29 last decade
Improvement analysis
[write better, same, worse]

1- swollen face=
2- swollen around eyes=
3- confidence and energy level=
4- love and affection with others=
5- sleep=
6- fatigue=
7- freshness on waking up=
8- frequent urine=
9- constipation=
10- back ache=
11- acne=
12- hunger control=
13- bladder irritaion=
14- spine irritation=
15- depressed feeling=
16- asthma=
[message edited by homeo.mzp on Sat, 03 Jan 2015 03:39:11 GMT]
homeo.mzp last decade
emaciation along with enlarged glands is a strong feature of iodine but that is observed in advanced cases only. I had made an observation only please continue with your doctor.
telescope last decade
Improvement analysis
[write better, same, worse]

1- swollen face= same
2- swollen around eyes= same
3- confidence and energy level=worse
4- love and affection with others= same
5- sleep= much worse cannot sleep
6- fatigue= same
7- freshness on waking up= worse
8- frequent urine= same
9- constipation= worse
10- back ache= same
11- acne= worse along with quality of skin
12- hunger control= same
13- bladder irritaion= same
14- spine irritation= same
15- depressed feeling= same
16- asthma=same
brook29 last decade
click on my username visit my website to do TONGUE DIAGNOSIS for 3 days early morning after wakeup then report,

normal white colour and normal taste is ok.

homeo.mzp last decade
Hi Brook,

Homeo mzp is in charge of your case. Many times
people follow the case and make their observations-
it is up to Home.mzp to decide. But, good to know
actual facts on physical pathology, like elevated
liver enzymes - that should be handled and then
rechecked to see if the remedies are bringing
them into normal range.

You may want to incorporate and look up some general
diet guidelines for the liver, like drinking hot
water with lemon in it a couple times a day, and
having a very clean, easy to digest diet if you
are not already doing that.
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone,
I have tried every food based intervention for liver I can think of. I have never had elevate liver enzymes with the exception of being totally anorexic and then they were elecated. This was almost 15 years ago. Things like lemon water, etc. anything related to food cause allergic reactions, oral allergies. Carrots, all citrus, apples, all berries, fruits almost all, curciferous vegetables, tomatoe, dairy, all nuts and seeds, cause skin breakouts, etc. So nevertheless I'm at a loss. I have no Doctor at the moment and wont getone for over two weeks as my job is on location. And frankly I have been very ill before with bloodwork that showed nothing wrong so I don't put much stock in this.
brook29 last decade

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