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cannot resolve miasm issues, constitutional questions Page 5 of 5
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OK, I will take lycopodium and wait a few days to see if itcompletes the iodine as you mentioned.
brook29 last decade
Hi telescope,
I'm not sure if you are still on this case, however I had significant improvement in weight lose/fluid after taking iodum and then lycopodium and then Folliculinum all in a 30 C. My acne did not improve until I took the folloculinum. I am now waking. so the doses were
1 dose iodum 30 C Last Friday
1dose lyco. 30 C last Sat.
2 dose 30C Folloculinum last Sun.
Then in the next few days I noticed weight lose in legs and mid section
assymetrical reduction of swelling in face (right side remained more swollen), much less edema of eyelids, less bloating.
But I also began to wake at 2-3 in the morning unable to fall back to sleep. This is not usual for me. The stingin in my back came back very badly over the next few days as well and I began to notice tightness in left hip with a markd change in my gate.
No real change in mood or until yesterday when I began to feel more positive. Now all symptoms are returning like swelling in legs, red/purple feet facial puffiness.
I'm not sure if you are still on this case, however I had significant improvement in weight lose/fluid after taking iodum and then lycopodium and then Folliculinum all in a 30 C. My acne did not improve until I took the folloculinum. I am now waking. so the doses were
1 dose iodum 30 C Last Friday
1dose lyco. 30 C last Sat.
2 dose 30C Folloculinum last Sun.
Then in the next few days I noticed weight lose in legs and mid section
assymetrical reduction of swelling in face (right side remained more swollen), much less edema of eyelids, less bloating.
But I also began to wake at 2-3 in the morning unable to fall back to sleep. This is not usual for me. The stingin in my back came back very badly over the next few days as well and I began to notice tightness in left hip with a markd change in my gate.
No real change in mood or until yesterday when I began to feel more positive. Now all symptoms are returning like swelling in legs, red/purple feet facial puffiness.
brook29 last decade
I am happy to know that you found relief from folliculinum. As symptoms are coming back it is time to repeat but be careful because it is a hormone remedy and any overdose might be bad. Would you mind telling me how iodum and lyco affected you?
♡ telescope last decade
It's hard to say. I thought maybe the lyco and iodinium initial the weight loss prior to the dose of folliculinum. If this is the case, then the side effects like sleeplessness from 2-5 am is caused by the folliculinum as well as a pressure in the head during sleep. I womdered if maybe I should repeat the lyco and iodinum since the folliculinum is a sarcode?? I'm not through the folliculinum proving I don't think so I worry aboit taking it again. I found some information by a homeopath named Colin Griffith that says Silver Birch can aid in drainage and mental symptoms of Folliculinum but Iit's a new combination.
brook29 last decade
please ascertain first which gave you better result iodum or lyco then only repeat.
♡ telescope last decade
♡ telescope last decade
Hi telescope. I'm still perplexed about how I will get my motivation to work and my creativity and happiness back to where it once was on say calc carb. Was there some sequence before or after calc I should have done to remove the asthma symptoms it caused? Or is it strengthening my immunity to react to allergens or something. I found an excerpt that states:
6. The amelioration of the symptoms of the intellectual and emotional spheres as well as the general sense of well-being and vitality are signs that healing is taking place in the proper manner and on the deeper levels.
In the Organon, Hahnemann pointed out that one of the first signs of a correct remedy is an amelioration of the intellectual and emotions symptoms. This is often accompanied the return of a sense of well-being and an increase in energy. The patient begins to feel better in spirit and experience more vitality as the more important areas of the organism is regularized by a simillimum. This may take place even though the disease symptoms are slightly aggravated as a sign that amelioration will soon take place. The Founder noted that this process is most obvious when the size of the dose is kept as small as possible. Large doses tend to produce the opposite affect thus aggravating the mind and destabilizing the vitality by producing antagonistic counter actions by the vital force.
Can you clarify for me how calc carb could fit so well emotionally but not be the right constitutionally?
6. The amelioration of the symptoms of the intellectual and emotional spheres as well as the general sense of well-being and vitality are signs that healing is taking place in the proper manner and on the deeper levels.
In the Organon, Hahnemann pointed out that one of the first signs of a correct remedy is an amelioration of the intellectual and emotions symptoms. This is often accompanied the return of a sense of well-being and an increase in energy. The patient begins to feel better in spirit and experience more vitality as the more important areas of the organism is regularized by a simillimum. This may take place even though the disease symptoms are slightly aggravated as a sign that amelioration will soon take place. The Founder noted that this process is most obvious when the size of the dose is kept as small as possible. Large doses tend to produce the opposite affect thus aggravating the mind and destabilizing the vitality by producing antagonistic counter actions by the vital force.
Can you clarify for me how calc carb could fit so well emotionally but not be the right constitutionally?
brook29 last decade
I have also noticed a few new cherry angiomas on breasts. This ia where they have alwyas occurred but there are more of late. They began to form around the same time as the warts on my thumbs. I don't remember if this was in my original questionaire.
Sorry for the lengthy questions. Just trying to fill you in and anybody listening as well.
Sorry for the lengthy questions. Just trying to fill you in and anybody listening as well.
brook29 last decade
what you say about direction of cure is true. symptoms of the mind are most important in homeopathy so correctly chosen remedy relieves the mental symptoms first. if new symptoms appear in the physical plane ascertain first whether they are old symptoms reappearing. asthma on ascending stairs is a strong calcarea symptom associated with delayed or suppressed menses. blood rushes to the chest area causing discomfort in breathing. Sulphur, Calc and lycopodium are frequently required remedies and form a series. they move in circles. calc may also be followed by tuberculinum. acute of calcarea are Belladonna and rhus tox.
♡ telescope last decade
Hi telescope. I went ahad and tried the Folloculinum again with hesitancy but had no negative reaction and also experienced the same benefits. Noticed less fluid/bloat around abdomen and more femenine figure. Also skin began to improve again. I dig some diggin and found that Folliculinum is very close to and preceeds Carcinosin well. I did not know this remedy so I research more. It mentioned it being the soul remedy for something called Blue sclera. I didn't know what that was but researche dit and found it to be something I've had my whole life. It's been remarked about in my family for years. The fact that my eyes look like porcelin with just the faintest ble tint. Along with many of the paradoxical symptoms and personality traits of this remedy, do you think it's worth trying?
brook29 last decade
Hi Telescope,
I am waiting fot the Carcinosin to arrive in the mail. It is not easy to get in the US. I ordered 200 C as this seemd to be the overwhelmingly popular dose for starting.
I am waiting fot the Carcinosin to arrive in the mail. It is not easy to get in the US. I ordered 200 C as this seemd to be the overwhelmingly popular dose for starting.
brook29 last decade
Hello Homeo,
I have finally received the Carcinosin 200 C and taken the first dose today. I will keep you posted on all changes. If you are not following my case anymore, please forward it to another who can help me through Carcinosin.
I have finally received the Carcinosin 200 C and taken the first dose today. I will keep you posted on all changes. If you are not following my case anymore, please forward it to another who can help me through Carcinosin.
brook29 last decade
Hi Brook-
this is a remedy that should not be repeated often.
Kadwa on here, who is a physician says no more
than once every 6 months.
this is a remedy that should not be repeated often.
Kadwa on here, who is a physician says no more
than once every 6 months.
♡ simone717 last decade
This conflicts which much of what I've read by homeopaths in Europe and India. Some repeat even within weeks at a time., particularly if it's working but not holding. I'm confused by this. Is there a timidness towards this remedy in the States? I know this site is very short on carcinosin cases. but I found many case stories where Carc was repeated frequently in LM doses and every few weeks or months in the C potency.
brook29 last decade
please do not repeat on your own. different remedies have different duration of action and it can be dangerous to repeat while the previous dose is still acting. a remedy is repeated when symptoms come back and still call for it. in face to face interaction it is easy to judge whether repetition is necessary but in a forum it is a difficult job. therefore most doctors keep safe margin for repetition. this is for safety of the patients
♡ telescope last decade
As there is no specific advice for my case except to wait 6 months for a response to the dose, I'm not quite sure this forum is of use anymore. As someone who feels very strongly that this is my constitutional remedy you can understand my frustration. I've finall gotten it and now I have to wait that long for anyone to readdress ot's effectiveness? I wasn't expecting to return to the forum to this respose.
brook29 last decade
please be patient. I did not say that you have to wait for 6 months. that kind of waiting is required for cm and above. the 200 you are using generally remains active for about 20 days. so it can be repeated if symptoms call for it after that many days or more.
♡ telescope last decade
So I am noticing very subtle changes at the moment. Just after taking the remedy I felt extreme drowsiness. Much like I felt when I was on codine a few years ago. Buzzy and drowsy. Now two days later I'm experiencing moment of that same drowsiness as if I could take a nap, buth they are shortlived. I'm feeling ready for bed around 6:00. Acne on back is clearing and shifting location. 3 cold sores in corner of mouth but a boil on forhead has healed miaculously in one day. dark cirlces under eyes more pronounced. Stomach and bowel upset with urge to go to bathroom. mood is a bit more optimistic and hopeful, vivid dreams. Frequent hiccups from carb inhestion which is a previous symptom. this is what I've noticed thus far and I will update you as the week progresses.
brook29 last decade
Hello telescope,
I am noticing afeeling very similar to times before when I was severely anemic. Earthy complexion, bruising easily, pale lips and skin with purple marks, etc. I am hoping this is an aggravation of the carc. dose although it seems to happen very suddenly in a few hours today. A polar opposite of yesterday. Is this something I should remedy to prevent further or should it be ignored.
I am noticing afeeling very similar to times before when I was severely anemic. Earthy complexion, bruising easily, pale lips and skin with purple marks, etc. I am hoping this is an aggravation of the carc. dose although it seems to happen very suddenly in a few hours today. A polar opposite of yesterday. Is this something I should remedy to prevent further or should it be ignored.
brook29 last decade
in assessing the action of a remedy the most important point is whether there is improvement in mental symptoms. if there is improvement medicine should be allowed to work, if not another suitable remedy should be taken. right now I would say you are exhibiting Sepia symptoms.
♡ telescope last decade
I've already tried Sepia at several stages of my illness and it in fact worsenes mental state and caused marked weight gain.
brook29 last decade
I think I will have to move on from this forum and I am having little success with it and the fact the I have to
negotiate multiple opinions is very hard for me. While I realize that there are many interpretations to remedies, the gap is too large in a forum setting such as this. Without understanding my entire emotional picture you can't grasp why Carc resonates so well and why I don't have time to waste on people trying things out on me.
Thanks for your help but I have to move on.
negotiate multiple opinions is very hard for me. While I realize that there are many interpretations to remedies, the gap is too large in a forum setting such as this. Without understanding my entire emotional picture you can't grasp why Carc resonates so well and why I don't have time to waste on people trying things out on me.
Thanks for your help but I have to move on.
brook29 last decade
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