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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic Acne ! Please Help

I am 27, suffering from acne for the last 10 years. Took Sulphur 30 in 2001(4 months), then am constantly on Kali Sulph 200(last 2 years). Earlier, I took it 5 times a week for about 8 months, then reduced the frequency, now take it weekly. Although the rate of eruptions has decreased, still there is recurrence. 4-5 pimples are always present. Some are soring, big while others are pus filled and small. Whole of the face (including the forehead) and the back are mostly affected. I am on constant medication since the last 7-8 years. Please Help!
  rikky on 2004-06-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
what meication yourefer to --taking past 7-8 years?

what was health status before acne started 10 years ago?

any eye/vision problems /complaints?

any other skin conditions in health history?when?how treated?

any white spots on/under fingernails?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Its me again.
1. In the last 7-8 years I have tried Calc Pic, Kali Brom, Silicea, Kali Mur, Merc Sol, Arnica Mont, but didn't continue any of the remedies for more than 5-6 months.
2. Health status was normal and I presume that it was due to adolescence. In the very early stages, there were very sore boils on the forehead between the eyebrows which cleared up in a month(no medication). Thereafter, after a gap of nearly 6 months, they re occured and spread over the whole face. I suffer from mild constipation.
3. I don't have any vision problems neither there had been any problem with the skin. The problem may be hereditary, my father had a lot of acne in his teens which cleared up in his early 30s.
4. There are semi circular white spots on the base of the thumbnails.
rikky 2 decades ago
One more thing that I think can help. The skin is shiny and oily.
rikky 2 decades ago
Pls. Help.
rikky 2 decades ago

any use of antibiotics in health history?

what typical diet include?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
any moles or warts?how many?where?

how does sun affect you?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
1 month on Doxycycline in 2001 to clear acne, didn't work.
Typical diet consists of carbohydrates, cooked vegetables. Drink plenty of water.
No warts on the body.
Sun appears to aggravate the rate of eruptions. Summer and damp weather also aggravates.
rikky 2 decades ago
Hi there,
One more symptom which may be of help to you. My hair has been falling since last 2 years, everyday 10-15 hair falls.
rikky 2 decades ago
married ?partner?

hair breaking or fallen from roots?

what is condition of skin around fingernails?

what is characteristica of sleep?

what illnesses/dis-eases in family history?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Unmarried, hair falling from roots, skin around fingernails peels, sleep normal (7 hours daily normally continuous, but take half an hour in the bed before finally getting into sleep).
No major illness to my knowledge, father also suffered from acne which cleared in early 30s, he suffers from high blood pressure.
rikky 2 decades ago
Pls. Help.

Thanx and regards
rikky 2 decades ago
Pls. Help.

Thanx and regards
rikky 2 decades ago
what typical diet include?

what 'great' emoitnal experience have had?when?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Typical diet includes bread, rice, pulses, cooked vegetables, mutton & chicken twice a week on an average.
Also eat fast foods but not on a regular basis.
No 'great' emotional experience as such.
rikky 2 decades ago
Just needed to tell you that I had a lot of worms in my childhood. Also, in 2001, I took dewormin tablets and a big worm was expelled.
rikky 2 decades ago
I am surprised, no body told you to take GRAPHITes.

Take GRAPHITES 30 C four times a day until the acne begins to clear out and skin on fingers heals.

Reduce to three doses a day and then to two doses a day and so on as the healing progresses.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
what relation like with father?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Relation is normal.
rikky 2 decades ago
1 dose natrum muriaticum 30c--only once--no repeat dose

avoid acids-...i.e...alcoholic beverages,coffee,tea,coca-cola,pepsi..and like,fruit and juices...etc

no other medications or treatments....

post response or lack of...
John Stanton 2 decades ago
I dont know how to create a seperate thread within the Acne forum so please forgive me for hijacking this thread..

I am 33 male and have been sufferring from Acne for long as i can remember - 15 yrs now if i remember correctly-

1) I used to have a severe outbreak all over the face earlier but that has come down to about 2-3 a week now.
2) I dont get too many on the forehead but i do get on temples and cheeks.
3) The start small and then in about a couple of days fill up with pus and look absolutely horrible !!
4) I get same on the chest a few times( red swollen sopts )
5) The skin is slightly oily.
6) I have a 'strange' habit of feeling thirsty during the night and i typically have 2-3 glasses of water between sleep.
7) I also feel the need for passing urine at least twice times per night.
8) I dont smoke and alchohol is only about once a week . I regularly work out.

I currently use Clindamycin Topical roll-on lotion and that helps to keep the acne low A LOT !!

However, i want them to not come out at all - for heavens sake i am 33 now !I am currently using

1) Antim Crud - 3 times a day/10 min
2) Hepar Sulph 200 - 3 times a day/10 min ( alternate day to Antim Crud)
3) Kali Brom 30 - 3 times a day
4) berberis aq. tincture - 10 drops - 3 times/day

I have been using them about 4 days now .

My question - is this the right remedy combination ?How long do i need to use this before i can see any result ?
kkarank 2 decades ago
As per your instructions John, I took Nat Mur 30 on 21st Jul. On the 2nd day, the left flap of the nose became slightly red and painful to touch, however no swelling. It has gone now. On the right side, just above the moustache, a red swelling has appeared, painful to touch. Rapid pus formation was there on the existing pimples over the eyebrows on the 2nd day, granualated in next 2 days.No major change has appeared apart from this.

rikky 2 decades ago
have you experienced these symptoms ever before in life?please explain

any change:

in sleep?
energy level?
mental state?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Yes, have experienced these symptom at different times when on silicea, calc pic and sulphur
sleep normal - no change
energy also normal - no change
mild headache in the afternoon
appetite normal - no change.
rikky 2 decades ago
please explain headache in afternoon?
is this new symptom (never had before in life)?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Headaches for the last 3 days, starts in the afternoon and continues till night.
had headaches earlier but rarely.
rikky 2 decades ago

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