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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic Acne ! Please Help Page 3 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
how much tobacco you use (if at all)?

how much coffee?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
No tobacco at all ! never. Coffee is very very rare (once a month or so) take lemon tea twice daily.
rikky 2 decades ago
No pain yesterday also.
rikky 2 decades ago
this occurance of pain 'in passing' could be indication of another remedy ---

what current symptomology ? what is status of main complaint?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
there is a lot of relief in the occurence of acne. I had a few during the last 3-4 days which rapidly suppurated and vanished. Now there is almost none (except a few very minute pimples)which is felt only through touch.
The pain is not recurring now.
rikky 2 decades ago
ok --we wait and observe
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Hi John,
Now there are few more pimples (6-7) on the cheeks with slight pus on the head.
pls advice.
rikky 2 decades ago
receive nat-mur LM 1 yet?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Not yet John,
The store is buying time I think. Is the potency popular in some other name? 10M or so?
rikky 2 decades ago
no other name---LM

try this site

John Stanton 2 decades ago
Hi John
I will be receiving LM1 in a day or two. Meanwhile, I have a few more pimples - which suppurates quickly and subsides. although I am a bit skeptic after being given to understand from a few
posts that LM can bring mental characteristics. Is it absolutely safe to use ? Pls. clear my doubt.
rikky 2 decades ago
LM potencies are ok...it is to fear more the prescriber's lack of ability in managing a case properly rather than potency or remedy choice---
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Thanks John,
I will take the medicine on Sunday.
rikky 2 decades ago
rikky --here is procedure MUST! follow for using LM potency(s)..

Use a 100 ml bottle, fill it 2/3 with a alcohol soluton 12%, ( one part vodka to 2 parts water)
[{dissolve one pill} or {1 drop liquid}] LM 1 in it,
(1)hit the bottle against a book, or something, 10 times,
THIS MUST BE DONE EVERY TIME , before using from the bottle,
(2)take one teaspoon "ONLY" from 100 ml solution, mix into a 8 oz glass of water ..{{always use a fresh glass and spoon}},
(3)stir good, then take one teaspoon, as
medication from the 8 oz glass of solution (not from the 100ml bottle of solution).
(4) keep it in the mouth a minute or so, swallow.
(5)continue daily (steps 1-4)-untill there is a "..HARD AGGRAVATION.."
(6)Next day--Throw the solution, thats left in the 8 oz glass, put glass and spoon in the washer.
(7) repeat (steps 1-6) -by making 'fresh' 8 oz glass solution (every day) from 100ml solution.

If ANY questions about instructions,then ask...

keep in touch
John Stanton 2 decades ago
I have clearly understood the process of making a dose. This time I need to take more than 1 dose - How many days do I need to them?
rikky 2 decades ago
until 'strong' aggravtion of ANY sort occur--then stop
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Hi John,
I have been using the medicine for the last 8 days but there is no change which I can observe. Shall I continue? pls. suggest.
rikky 2 decades ago
what notice concerning sleep;appetite and energy lvel?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Sleep is normal (7hrs), no change in appetite and energy level.
rikky 2 decades ago

please describe current symptomology thoroughly..even if seem repeating ..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Feel sleeply after waking even after 7 hours of sleep, no change in appetite but couldn't resist the temptation towards fast foods, no apparent change in energy level.
rikky 2 decades ago
what are current characteristics of main complaint..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
There is much relief in the occurance of acne. Now only 2-3 tiny ones appear off and on, which subsides within 2-3 days. But this has been the scenario even before starting the current medicine.
rikky 2 decades ago
based upon the following original postings information... please explain in comparison how symptomology has changed...

"(a)...... 4-5 pimples are always present. Some are soring, big while others are pus filled and small. Whole of the face (including the forehead) and the back are mostly affected. I am on constant medication since the last 7-8 years. Please Help....(b)...Sun appears to aggravate the rate of eruptions. Summer and damp weather also aggravates....(c)...My hair has been falling since last 2 years, everyday 10-15 hair falls.....(d)...hair falling from roots, skin around fingernails peels, sleep normal (7 hours daily normally continuous, but take half an hour in the bed before finally getting into sleep).....
John Stanton 2 decades ago
a) No soring pimples for the last 20 days, only small and medium sized, filled with pus, face, forehead and back still affected but with less intensity. Earlier, when a pimple subsided, a new one cropped up generally in the nearby area, this is not happening now.
b)Sun still aggravates
c) Hair still falling
d) Skin around the fingernails healed
e)Sleep normal (does take half an hour before getting into sleep)
rikky 2 decades ago
no other new/old complaints -sensations-pains-characteristics currently existing at all?

what is current stool -urination-appetite-thirst characteristics?
John Stanton 2 decades ago

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