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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic Acne ! Please Help Page 2 of 4

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Headaches for the last 3 days, starts in the afternoon and continues till night.
had headaches earlier but rarely.
rikky 2 decades ago
what exact time start ?what exact time end?
what makes headache better?what makes worse?what association with food/drink?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
starts at 12 Noon ends only after going to bed. headaches better in air, closed room aggravates.
Spicy food appears to aggravate.
rikky 2 decades ago
what current symptom status?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Starts from the left and slowly spreads. Not having headaches for the last two days. A few pimples still are appearing some tiny with little pus and subsides, some medium painful to touch, no pus.
Please suggest.
rikky 2 decades ago
1 dose "ONLY" natrum muriaticum . 200c

follow same restrictions

post response or lack of...
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Hi John, I took Natrum Muriaticum 200c on 2nd of August. during the last 5 days, there has definately been a recession of new pimples. I got three tiny pimples with little pus on the left cheek and one on the forehead (without pus), and subsided within 1 day only. Face is looking comparatively better now. On touching, there is no feeling of any swelling.
pls guide furthur John. Thanks so much.
rikky 2 decades ago
allow some time--still follow all restrictions
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Hi John,
Now there are some pimples (3 on the left cheek, 2 on the right, 1 in the neck and 2 on the forehead. These are all tiny, red with a very small head with pus. Similar ones (2-3) appeared in last few days and subsided. I also have minute pits on the cheeks and forehead which are due to the old pimples. Can they shrink ? Pls. suggest.
rikky 2 decades ago
how is sleep/dreams?

what changes in appetite have you noticed?

what changes in energy level have you noticed?

any changes in stool/urination?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Sleep is slightly disturbed.wake up 3-4 times while changing positions during sleep. No noticeable change in appetite , energy level, stool and urine.
rikky 2 decades ago
what exact times wake from sleep? what reason you give for waking? ARE the times waking consistent?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
No such fixed time of waking. But it is after 2 am. Also take about half an hour to sleep after going to bed. Also there is some kind of sound off and on in the head when I wake up and head feels heavy, but this doesn't happen when I have a satisfactory sleep.
rikky 2 decades ago
if no new symptoms AT ALL-then go to natrum muriaticum LM1 liquid form..after obtaining post and i will give instructions for use..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Do I need to take any extra precautions! The pimples that appeared are gone now. A new one of medium size has come up on the left cheek, red, without pus, painful to touch.
pls advice.
rikky 2 decades ago
all dietary-medicinal restrictions remain the same--only difference is the usage of the LM potency--this i will detail explaination after you obtain and let me know.. AS LONG as there are NO new symptoms and you observe a halting in response to nat-m 200c---LM 1 is next step---if still having favorable response to nat-m 200c then wait --no LM1 yet---
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Hi John, couldn't find LM1 potency in the homeo stores out here. They insist that it should be 1M. In case it is available, I'll have to check in the nearby city, which is possible only on Saturday.
Meanwhile there are a few more pimples, small in size, with pus on the head.
pls advice
rikky 2 decades ago
no not 1M---LM1

can get LM1 (liquid --15mlm) from

John Stanton 2 decades ago
You may want to try an ayurvedic product called Neem, it helps a lot with acne and is used in India quite commonly.

You will want neem in the tablet form.
commen sense 2 decades ago
Hi John,
I'll get the medicine within a week. There is slight pain below the stomach, near the left kidney for the last 2 days. Is it an effect of the medicine? Pl advice
rikky 2 decades ago
is the pain new symptom (never had before ever)?please explain
John Stanton 2 decades ago
The pain is new, never had before, although urine is normal. Pain is in the lower part of abdomen and is not continous, just for half a minute 5-6 times a day.
rikky 2 decades ago
if new symptom --then do not take nat-m LM1 yet--need to see if still indicated--------

when pain occur ?night.in bed..while walking..siting..before after during eating....etc please explain--circumstances concerning pain occurance..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
what sensation is pain?please describe

pain come on suddenly--gradually---end suddenly or gradually?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Hi John,
This is a new symptom, pain has no periodicity but not when lying down.Pain come suddenly remains for half a minute and ends suddenly. However, not occured during the last day.
rikky 2 decades ago
how much tobacco you use (if at all)?

how much coffee?
John Stanton 2 decades ago

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