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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

baby constipation

My 14 month old daughter has been dealing with constipation for a while now. It's not all the time. Sometimes she goes just fine, other times she strains and cries while she goes and it will be hard balls.

She also had a few flat warts on her hands that are going away by putting vitamin A on them. She also does not sleep well. She wakes up so much at night and cries everytime she wakes up. She sleeps with me in bed and I still breastfeed her a night if she doesn't calm down in a few minutes. She eats a good amount during the day, so I don't think its because of hunger. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks
  bwill13 on 2015-01-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
it is not good to apply external medicine on warts .they do not cure they suppress. these suppressions cause other problems. give your daughter Causticum 30 one dose only and observe. you can give the medicine one or two pellets dissolved in water. warts require some time to disappear so wait for a week. the occasional constipation will also go away.
telescope last decade
OK I will get the causticum 30. I was told by a homeopath that vitamin a was ok to put on the warts because it was still healing the warts naturally.
bwill13 last decade

So the causticum did help her constipation. I only gave her one dose. I haven't seen anymore warts on her hands however a new one popped up on her leg the other day.

She still has the other issues. Night waking. Always irritable and cries when wakes. Fear of sleeping alone at night and of strangers. She also gets a red chapped face all the time around her mouth from teething.

The wart is small, red and round. Looks like a pimple. I had some on my hands and they were sensitive/painful on pressure. Any ideas on a remedy for these issues. Any help appreciated.
bwill13 9 years ago
you can give one dose sulphur 30 in the morning.
telescope 9 years ago
OK I'll do that tomortow, thanks
bwill13 9 years ago
I gave her sulphur 30 this morning. I'm wondering if the causticum would still be indicated? It seemed to help her constipation pretty quickly last time and I know it is indicated for warts.

The fear of strangers seems pretty strong in her. When we encounter people she doesn't know and stop in their presence, she will cry and become very scared and hide. I feel this is not normal. Also, the constant irritability/crying whenever she wakes up. Theres no reason for it.

I'm not sure whether the rash on her face is dry skin or eczema or what? I'll upload a picture. Anyways, I wasn't sure how to gauge whether the sulphur is helping. The rash seems unchanged. Let me know what you think, thanks
bwill13 9 years ago
ok. give her causticum 30 one dose again. do not apply any external application either on the wart or face. update after 3 days.
telescope 9 years ago

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