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Posts about Osteoporosis

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

To Asad sir- osteoporosis in 50 years.

Dear sir, as I mentioned that my mother is suffering from osteoporosis for the last few years. She also has issues related to heartbeat. As she feels like her heart is kind of pumping. She takes some medicine(homeopathic) for her heart issue. After the medicine she gets fine. She also suffers from fissure(which come and go). She feels stiffness and pain in her joints(specially left knee). She told me that doctor adviced her not sit on floor or mop. She cant sleep properly at night. Only few hours and if she wakes in between then she cant sleep again. She is 5.2 ft tall and weight I am not sure may be 50-55kg. She is 50'yrs old. Plz advice about her also. Thanks & regards, Meenakshi.
  hon_afn on 2015-07-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please get hold of following remedies:

1- Calcarea Phos-6x
2- Symphytum Off-200c
AsadGhumman 9 years ago
Dear sir, kindly tell me the dosage and for how many days she needs to take the medicine? Does she need to stop the current medicine? She is having medicine for osteoporosis. Sir I just want to know that the medicine you prescribed will eliminate her problems completely or will it only affect her for sometime. I hope homeopathy can cure anything. thanks & regards, Meenakshi.
hon_afn 9 years ago
Is she taking any homeopathic medicines for osteoporosis?
AsadGhumman 9 years ago
No sir. She is having Aellopathy medicine.
hon_afn 9 years ago
Well, human beings can only try & then pray before Creator while hoping for the best. Only He can cure. I am quite hopeful regarding your mother's case. She can continue using any allopathic medicines that she is currently taking. Dosage of homeopathic remedies is as follows:

1- Calcarea Phos-6x.... thrice daily for 15 days. 1 dose = 4 pills chewed 30 min before or after taking food.

2- Symphytum Off-200c.... Initially once daily for 3 days & then once every 5th day.
AsadGhumman 9 years ago
Thanks for replying sir. Sir as I understood that she can have her Aellopathy medicine along with the homeopathy medicine? Doesn't she need to stop Aellopathy medicines? Thanks & regards, Meenakshi.
hon_afn 9 years ago
Yes she can continue taking allopathic medicines as well.
AsadGhumman 9 years ago
sure sir. thanks for replaying. regards, meenakshi.
hon_afn 9 years ago
Please update!
AsadGhumman 9 years ago

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