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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help! My son has Chalazion for a month

Hi. I need help. My son is diagnosed with chalazion. Its been a month and a half since it started. Both eyes. We gave him oral antibiotics and eye oinment but nothing worked.. I read from this site that sulphur can cure chalazion. I wonder if i could also use this as treatment for my son.. he is fair skined and has black hair.
[message edited by pmlchrstn on Wed, 11 Nov 2015 04:29:15 UTC]
  pmlchrstn on 2015-11-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I suggest to give PULSATILLA 30c three pills in morning & STAPHYSAGRIA 30c three pills at bedtime for six days & stop.

Watch for another 8-10 days & let us know the improvement.
Take all the precautions with reference to Homeopathic treatment.
No local applications please.
daktersaab 9 years ago
I forgot to tell u that hes just 17 mos old. Is there any liquid form for this medicines?
pmlchrstn 9 years ago
Yes get med in liquid form and mix just one drop in about a table spoonful of clean drinkable water & make him drink it. Do not use metallic spoon use glass or plastic .
daktersaab 9 years ago

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