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Posts about Depression, Fatigue

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Child, dark circles under eye, fatigue1Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Difficult case- I need a hero. Forum doctors only please! Fatigue, Addictive behaviors, Alcohol, Depression, Financial despair....


Thank you in advance for reading my post. I originally posted for help in mid January 2016 on the ABC forum. After many months of trial and error and a dozen homeopathic remedies... I fear most of my symptoms are still a daily thing. (granted there have been several noted improvements and my initial severe aggravation to the "Syphilium" nosode is gone. I also had many positive results with different homeos throughout). My posts for help are below and there is a vault of information about me and where I'm at and what I've been thru there:


Throughout the past year and a half, I have studied homeopathy quite a bit in looking for relief so I do understand the importance of the initial questionnaire, and the details of my emotional state, thoughts, behaviors, things that make me feel better and worse, unusual behaviors etc.

I can address all that need be again. However since I've been posting about this for almost 5 months... you will get an in-depth description of what I'm going through by reading the posts within the above link. If you read thru and feel it's best I fill out the initial questions again I will oblige if that is what's required. However a quick glance at my posts and you'll see it is not necessary.

There are a few things that I have been doing differently lately (maybe this past week to the past month or so?). Supplements and flower essences I started as well as some meditation and other healing modalities I'm doing:

***** Supplements:
Started to adhere to most (not all) of Teds recommendations on Earth Clinic for alcohol and addiction.

***** Flower Essences-I mix a drop or two of each in water bottle and sip on throughout the day:
FlorAlive "Heartmend"
FlorAlive "Chagapa"
Bach's "Impatiens"
FES "Angelica"
FES "Fairy Lantern"

***** Bob Becks Biotuner:
Bought a Sota Biotuner and have been using it at least 4-5 days a week in 20 minute increments a pop on frequency #4. It is the only frequency I can handle.

***** Borax therapy
Yep.. Borax. 20 Mule Team Borax. Google it... you'll see. :)

***** Meditations on 72 names/angels of God:
Don't knock it till you look into what exactly it is. I have made some profound changes in a matter of days using this ancient technique.

Okay... that is all I have for now. There are a few other techniques and modalities I'm trying but those are the main ones. I would LOVE a new perspective on what's going on with me. Very grateful for the guidance I have received thus far. Thank you again in advance for any insights. xoxox- C
  Ejere on 2016-06-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Kali Phos 6x and Calc Flour 6x,5 tabs of each three times a day and a feed back every 4 days.

I am not receiving response mails in my in box through this site so you can e mail me directly also.
Click on my profile for my mail id.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Thank you. Appreciate your prompt reply :)

I will give them a try. I have mostly 30 and 200 remedies in my kit so I will have to order the 6x.

Do I really need 5 of each remedy? Isn't just 1 or 2 enough? Or because you're wanting me to take 3 doses throughout day is it appropriate to make remedy into a water dose and sip it 3 separate times? I can make a water dose last days.

I'll go through the bottles in a week if I take 15 of each a day. Let me know your thoughts. Will order meds in interim. Thank you!- C
Ejere 8 years ago
they are biochemic medicines(tissue salts)
anuj srivastava 8 years ago

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