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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hashimotos, pcos, depression, social anxiety

Hi Sir,

I’m 30, unmarried female.

1. I am suffering from hashimotos thyroid and pcos since 2011.
2. I am also very shy, timid, quiet, introvert and have lack of confidence since childhood.
3. I dislike talking and desire to be silent and quiet.
4. I have Weak memory, bad concentration, and slow comprehension.
5.I feel I am not perfect, sensitive to being observed, sensitive to the opinions of others, sensitive to making mistakes, Feeling of committing mistakes, being caught doing something wrong, I always think what others will think about me. Feeling of being watched or looked.
6. I always feel dull, depressed, down, sadness, with low or no energy at all for daily work activities.
7. I can't say "NO" to anyone for any things. Try to please everyone. I always think what others will think about me.
8. I am sympathetic to other’s suffering but it is very hard to show emotions and sufferings to others even to my own mother or father.
9. I want best of the things for myself in life however don't implement and work hard for it.
10. I always compare myself with my friends and colleagues, and when I see them doing well, I feel very depressed because i can’t do the things I wanted to do in life.
11. I always live in my imagination; over thinking about any things.
12. I plan everything for my career and future but can’t implement the same. I always avoid to do work. Lack of interest in doing anything. Over thinking before doing anything. Anxiety of doing anything.
15. It has become my attitude that I accept defeat before the battle begins and start thinking negatively about anything.
16. I want to do everything in my life which is best for me but I don't have confidence, guts, courage, attitude, faith, will power, vision, persistence, focus, creativity, decision taking power, risk taking power etc. and accept defeat.
17. I have strong anxiety about marriage.
18. I don't like meeting my relatives because there is constant comparison between my cousins. It is not done on the face but they put me down all the time. It is since childhood.
19. I also avoid meeting and talking to my neighbors. I don’t greet them to avoid them, because of which they think I am arrogant.
20. I always want myself to be the best so at times I pretend and fake things in front of people. I lie to my colleagues and friends because I want to show them constantly I am better than them and I don’t want them to know real me. Also maybe because I am always thinking what other person thinks of me.
21. I am very conscious of my presence in a room full of people and or in a group of people.
22. Till my graduation I used sleep very peacefully however now I sleep very less at times and at times a lot. I sleep a lot especially when I get overwhelmed with work.
23. I can easily cry but I don’t like crying in front of people.
24. Last year I left the job suddenly because I was not able to take the work pressure and social anxiety pressure and since then I am sitting at home. Now I want to work but I have so much of fear and that I am not applying for jobs, even if I get call from companies I say no.
25. I have cut connection with all of my friends and colleagues because I feel what they will think about me that I don’t have job and that I am still unmarried.
26. I want to change my field and get into creative field however don’t know how to go about it and as I used to find my previous s work very monotonous,
26. I am not close to my family so don’t discuss problems and fears with them. But they have very high expectations from me because I am well read and had been good student.
27. I have not been in a relationship because I tend to move away from people after a while. It’s a pattern that I have noticed. I am passive aggressive person i.e. If I don’t like something about a person I don’t tell them and don’t let them know but such things keeping getting collected and after sometime when I get filled up with all the anger it bursts out and I move away from person. I don’t fight or show anger but instead I stopping talking to that person.
28. I don’t like rainy weather at all and also summers due to heat.
29. I don’t like sweets except chocolates. I like salty food but not spicy food. I like fried food like chips. I like having lot of liquids and prefer them cold.
30. I like cleanliness and like being systematic and when things are not in proper place or not done properly I really get irritated.
31. I have dry skin, limp hair, dark lips, sunken eyes.

Please help and suggest a good homeopathic medicine so that I can live a happy life.

  Neha4 on 2016-06-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Nux Vom 200
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HR BEFORE DINNER. dont repeat.

Lycopodium 1m,5 pills ones in seven days.From day 2.

Kali phos 6x, 5 tabs ones a day from day three.

Feed back every seven days.

I am not receiving response mails in my in box through this site so you can e mail me directly also.
Click on my profile for my mail id
anuj srivastava 8 years ago

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